
X prediction

x prediction

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Thank you. flag Flag as inappropriate. email Support email. place Address. shield Privacy Policy. Daily Betting Accumulators. BetGPT - Betting Tips. Using data from LCLS, we found that much of the information usually extracted from slow, complex diagnostics such as the pump-probe delay in the twin bunch mode, the photon energy or even the spectral shape of the X-ray pulses, is strongly correlated to electron bunch and X-ray properties measured by fast diagnostics.

While these correlations are driven by physical processes, performing accurate direct modelling of every experimental aspect in machines as complex as XFELs is currently not possible.

As an alternative, we use generic linear, quadratic and more complex, but well-known, machine learning models 40 , such as artificial neural networks ANN 41 or support vector regression SVR 42 to describe the non-trivial hidden correlations and make predictions of the fluctuations in the variables measured by the complex diagnostics using the fluctuations measured with the simple diagnostics as input.

Using this technique at the LCLS, we report mean errors below 0. This approach could potentially be used at the next generation of high-repetition rate XFELs to provide accurate knowledge of complex X-ray pulses at the full repetition rate, as well as lessening the load on the data stream requirements in existing machines.

Our proposed technique Fig. These simple diagnostics include electron beam parameters, which are related to most of the XFEL jitter, and X-ray gas detectors, which are sensitive to the stochastic jitter of the SASE fluctuations by measuring the total X-ray energy.

Schematic technique based on machine learning to predict complex diagnostics at a high repetition rate using a fraction of fully diagnosed events containing all the information obtained at a much lower repetition rate. Information from fast diagnostics is available for all the events, but information from the complex diagnostics is only available for a small fraction of the events.

The set of fully diagnosed events is divided into different subsets: the training set, the validation set and the test set. The training set is used to train a machine learning model on how to predict the information obtained with complex diagnostics using the simple diagnostics as input.

The validation set is used to optimize the training process by minimizing the prediction errors on that set. The final prediction error for the optimized model is calculated using data from the test set. Once the final optimized model is trained and tested, it can be used to predict the missing information from the complex diagnostics for the remainder of the events.

The set of fully diagnosed events is divided in three different groups: the training, validation and test sets. The machine learning models are trained by minimizing the prediction error on the training set. The decisions about the architecture of the models and how to train them are made to minimize the prediction error for the validation set.

Finally, once the models are validated, the final prediction error is calculated using the test set, which is kept completely isolated during the previous stages of the training.

We applied the technique on single and double-pulse configurations to predict the photon energy, the spectral shape and the pump-probe delay between X-ray pulses, which are the critical parameters in X-ray spectroscopy and time-resolved studies. For each of the predictions, we optimized four different models: a linear model, a quadratic model, an SVR and an ANN.

The results are summarized in Table 1. The photon energy of the pulses was defined as the position of a Gaussian fit in our calibrated optical spectrometer and used as the variable to be predicted. Two examples of the experimental data with their corresponding Gaussian fits are shown in Fig. a Two samples of single-shot spectra at two different photon energies measured with the optical spectrometer light red, light blue and the corresponding Gaussian fits thick red, thick blue.

b Distribution of the measured photon energies for the dataset. Mean error of distribution: 5. c Measured photon energies compared to the predicted photon energies for the test set using a linear model. Experimental points are shown in blue. The perfect correlation line is included for reference as a black dashed line.

Mean error of predictions: 0. The results show that all four models are able to predict the photon energy of the test set with a mean error near 0. While the error of the initial distribution was artificially enhanced by the electron beam energy scan see Methods , the model is able to automatically detect correlations between all the relevant variables caused by the scan and make accurate predictions.

These accurate predictions are not surprising because of the well-known quadratic relationship between the electron beam energy and the photon energy given by the XFEL resonance condition. In this way, the electron beam energy, measured non-invasively at the LCLS by an electron beam position monitor in the final dispersive section, can be used to sort data as a function of photon energy.

On the other hand, we observed that, if we train our models using the electron beam energy as the only feature, the mean error achieved is still as high as 0. This suggests that, even in a simple case like this one, useful information about the photon energy is contained not just in the main variable but it is also encoded in many other variables.

Nevertheless, most of the correlations relevant for predicting the photon energy seem to be essentially linear. As a consequence, the quadratic and the SVR models overfit the data, showing a larger error for the test set than for the training set Table 1.

Similarly, the best performance of the ANN was obtained for a very small network 2 hidden layers, 10 and 5 cells, respectively, see Methods compared to the large number of input variables involved around 40 , which can only represent non-linear behaviour as a small set of piecewise linear regions While the degree of overfitting was not problematic for our purposes, regularization 41 or dropout 44 techniques could be applied to avoid it, if necessary.

In this case, instead of predicting the photon energy as a parameter obtained from fitting the spectrum, we built models to directly predict the spectral shape by predicting multiple spectral components. The distribution of agreements see Methods between the measured and predicted spectra for the test set are shown in Fig.

a Distribution of agreements between the predicted and the measured spectra for the test set using the four different models. SVR: Support vector regressor. ANN: Artificial neural network. b — e Examples of the measured blue and the predicted red spectra using an ANN to illustrate the accuracy for different agreement values.

Even the example with the lowest agreement shows a good match, including more details of the spectral shape than can be achieved with a Gaussian or Lorentzian fit. It is worth noting that, due to the non-linearity of the problem, none of the models seem to overfit, making this a possible symptom of a high-bias 40 situation, meaning that, given more training, more features or more complex models, even better results could be achieved.

On the other hand, as independent SASE spikes in the structure of the spectrum depend on the microscopic electron bunch shot-noise, which is not measurable, the accuracy of this technique may be limited to few-femtosecond pulses consisting of very few SASE spikes.

In the case of longer pulses, we still expect an accurate partial prediction of the spectral envelope, but not of the individual SASE spikes. Apart from potentially providing data at a faster repetition than allowed by the detector, this technique could also be of interest in absorption experiments, where the spectrum after absorption through a sample has to be measured and compared to a reference spectrum.

Normally, the reference spectrum is measured before inserting the sample and averaged for many shots, or even averaged for shots sorted in different bins as a function of one or two of the features However, this approach cannot be used to bin with respect to more than two variables, as then the number of samples per bin would become too small.

Instead a model could be trained to predict the reference spectrum using training data obtained without an absorption sample. This model could then be used to predict the incoming spectrum for each single-shot measurement with the sample, allowing the calculation of single-shot absorption.

This approach could be successful as long as reference data are recorded sufficiently often to account for long-term drift in the machine.

The time-delay values between the two X-ray pulses were extracted from electron time-energy distribution images recorded using the XTCAV diagnostic system Each image was processed by first separating the two bunches and then locating the lasing part which appears as a temporally localized loss of electron beam energy and an increase of energy spread when compared to non-lasing references 25 , 45 , These two figures, obtained from the same dataset, for the same nominal time delay, already show two situations with opposite measured delay values.

In fact, the distribution of the delays due to the jitter Fig. a , b Examples of the X-band transverse deflecting cavity XTCAV traces used to extract the delay values. The delay values are calculated by finding the lasing part of each electron bunch black and red vertical dashed lines for the high-energy bunch and low-energy bunch, respectively and subtracting the values.

c Distribution of all the delay values for the dataset. Mean error of distribution: 6. d — g Delay prediction errors for the test set using each of the four models. The perfect correlation lines are included for reference as black dashed lines.

Mean error of predictions: 2. h Delay prediction learning curve showing the mean error for the validation set solid lines , and the training set dashed lines for each of the four models as function of the number of samples used for training. After training all four models using the delay values from the training set, they were applied to the test set to predict the delay values.

As the physical processes that determine the final delay are complex, the non-linear models show better results, below 1. In particular, the ANN predicts the delay with a mean error below 1. From Fig. For a figure explicitly showing the residuals of the predictions as function of the delay for each model, see Supplementary Fig.

Most of the models except the linear one seem to overfit, showing larger values for the error of the test set than that of the training set Table 1.

This could be a symptom of a high-variance 40 situation where the training could benefit from having more training data.

To determine if this is the case, we studied the accuracy of the predictions for the training set and the validation set as a function of the number of samples used for training Fig. This shows that, except for the linear model, all the other models have not fully converged to a value, so with more training data better results would be obtained and maybe even more complex models could be fitted.

Nevertheless, it is worth noting that all of the non-linear models can predict the delay with a mean error smaller than 1. While XTCAV is essential to measure some values of the delay, this result shows that it is possible to learn how to create models that calculate the delay from simpler parameters, which can be measured at a higher repetition rate.

For an experiment aiming to measure few-femtosecond dynamics, requiring single-shot time-delay characterization, this opens the possibility of actually recording data at the full repetition rate, as it is not limited by the XTCAV maximum repetition rate.

Following a similar approach as in the single-pulse case, we used an electron time-of-flight eTOF spectrometer in the double-pulse mode to monitor the photon energy of each of the pulses Fig.

In this case, as in the single-pulse case, we observe that all four methods show similar results Table 1 , with the ANN yielding the smallest mean errors of 0. a A sample of a double-pulse spectrum measured with the electron time-of-flight spectrometer light red and the corresponding double Gaussian fit thick red.

b , c Measured photon energies of each of the pulses compared to the predicted photon energies for the test set using an artificial neural network. Mean error of initial distributions: 1. Nevertheless, the absolute errors are still larger than the 0.

We believe the main reason for this is the lower signal-to-noise ratio of the eTOF spectrometer see Methods. As a consequence, the accuracy of the fits is reduced, giving less reliable values for the central photon energy.

In addition, we attempted to perform the full spectral prediction in this case, but we found that, while the models predicted the position of the peaks well, they did not predict the correct relative intensities between the two pulses.

The first reason for this could again be related to the lower accuracy of the eTOF spectrometer. Another possible reason is that, regardless how many features measuring macroscopic properties of the electron bunches are included, the stochastic SASE emission, which determines the final intensity and spike distribution, does not depend on these properties but on the microscopic structure of the bunch, which is not yet possible to measure using existing diagnostics.

In the single-pulse mode this is not a problem, as the gas detector directly measures the total pulse energy for every single shot. However, in a double-pulse mode the gas detector cannot tell how much of the energy is in each of the pulses. All these considerations should be taken into account to better design future XFELs, by including simpler and faster diagnostics, placed strategically to have some correlations with the information we plan to predict, even if the correlations are not simple.

We have shown, using data from LCLS, that the fluctuations of the electron bunch trajectories measured with fast detectors encode important correlations with many of the required shot-to-shot X-ray properties. By applying straightforward machine learning procedures, we can accurately predict the photon energy, spectral shape and time delay of individual pairs of X-ray pulses.

These critical properties may not otherwise be available on a shot-to-shot basis at high-repetition rate XFELs, since in many cases they cannot be measured for all shots.

This may be because constraints of the experiment do not allow measuring downstream of the interaction region or the diagnostics require unfeasibly high data rates in high-repetition operation. The machine learning approach we demonstrate allows key shot-to-shot properties to be obtained, based solely on information from fast detectors recorded non-invasively.

We have shown that implementation requires only a small amount of training data that can be recorded for a subset of the shots or at a lower repetition rate. For instance, this approach may even be used to automatically obtain shot-to-shot reference spectra for absorption measurements. We have presented the results from different models to demonstrate that, when the necessary correlations exist, many machine learning models can exploit them, and even non-expert users should be able to apply the technique using the simpler and easier-to-train models.

Nevertheless, the accuracy of the predictions in this case may be different from the values shown here, as the hidden correlations exploited by the machine learning models may change in the new XFELs. On the other hand, the increased repetition rate at those new XFELs storing larger amounts of data will offer new prospects for applying more sophisticated unsupervised learning and deep learning techniques This may allow, for example, building models able to make accurate predictions valid across several days without the need of additional training data, or even to build a single global model of the XFEL trained to predict all the relevant variables at once.

We believe that combining XFEL science with machine learning opens new opportunities, particularly for ultrafast time-resolved experiments, at new high-repetition rate XFEL facilities under construction. Specifically, the demonstrated technique will allow performing X-ray characterization for only a fraction of the events at a low repetition rate, using that information to predict X-ray properties for all the other shots.

It will also enable performing experiments in coincidence, where the experimental data may be recorded for a certain subset of the events and the X-ray characterization for a different subset of the events.

This will allow using the data from the second subset to provide single-shot characterization for the first subset. Moreover, this strategy offers a powerful new route to reanalyse data from past experiments, including experiments involving XTCAV or absorption experiments.

Now that many aspects of the next generation of XFELs are being defined, this work provides evidence that the design of the new machines should incorporate useful, and difficult-to-replace diagnostics, even if they cannot work at the full repetition rate.

Furthermore, they should seek to store as much full repetition rate single-shot information as possible, and use our approach to reconstruct the full X-ray pulse information for every shot.

The proposed technique is summarized in Fig. It relies on a fast, high-repetition rate data stream containing single-shot information of simple diagnostics for all the events, with information from complex diagnostics obtained at a lower repetition rate and only for a fraction of the events.

The set of events containing correlated information from all devices can be split in three: the training, validation and test sets. The training set is used to train a supervised learning model to learn how to predict variables normally obtained with complex diagnostics based on input variables from simple diagnostics.

The validation set is used to optimize the hyperparameters. In this context, a hyperparameter is any parameter of the model that is not optimized by the training process. Examples of hyperparameters are the maximum degree of a polynomial model, or the number of hidden layers in an ANN.

This optimization is done by training many different versions of the same model using different sets of hyperparameters and then comparing the error on the validation set to decide which set of hyperparameters works best.

Finally, the test set is used to test the prediction accuracy of the model for the chosen set of hyperparameters. At this point, the model can be applied to predict, with a known accuracy, the expected values from complex diagnostics for all the remaining events, which originally did not have that information.

For a flow chart of the training process, see Supplementary Fig. For a general review on the relevant machine learning topics, see Supplementary Note 1 and ref. For the application to real experiments, care should be taken to avoid systematic drift between the recording of the training data and the experimental data.

The best way to avoid this is to obtain the training data interleaved in time with the experimental data. If this is not possible, the distributions of the variables involved in the predictions should be monitored, and more training data should be recorded every time one of the distributions drifts by more than a given fraction 0.

Experiments were conducted at the LCLS 1 XFEL operated in the twin bunch mode 48 at the Atomic, Molecular and Optical Science AMO 49 end-station in February Expt. A double slotted foil was used in the second chicane to partially spoil each of the two electron bunches in time, limiting the emission length of each bunch to a few femtoseconds of duration 50 , By modifying the bunch compression settings and the position of the foil, it was possible to change the delay while maintaining the central photon energy of each of the pulses.

All the data presented in this paper were taken at a fixed position of the foil and compression settings, with the different values for the time delay arising from fluctuations in the machine.

For the single-pulse configuration, one of the electron bunches was suppressed. An optical X-ray spectrometer Expt. The eTOF spectrometer was calibrated using CO Auger electron emission at the oxygen K-edge and neon 2 s and 2 p photoelectrons at different photon energies, yielding a resolution of 0.

The X-ray spectrum was then extracted from the kinetic energy of photoelectrons ionized by the X-ray pulses from the 2 p shell of neon.

Under the applied experimental conditions, we found the signal-to-noise ratio of the optical spectrometer to be up to 16 times better than that of the eTOF spectrometer. By comparing images in the lasing and non-lasing cases one can determine the lasing region for each of the bunches and measure the distance along the time axis to obtain the pump-probe delay values 25 , 45 , 46 Fig.

The time resolution of the images is approximately 1. The fitting procedure to obtain the delay from the images yields a statistical mean error of 0. Four gas detectors based on N 2 fluorescence 23 were used to measure the single-shot total X-ray energy, recording 6 variables in total.

Hundreds of different electron beam parameters were measured on each shot, however, only 17 of them were recorded at the full repetition rate. These included position monitors 54 position and angle , bunch charge monitors and peak current monitors at different stages accelerators, chicanes, undulators.

All these diagnostics consist of fast, non-intrusive detectors, and should therefore be scalable to the MHz regime.

These variables are recorded for all LCLS experiments by default. The specific variable names and descriptions can be found in Supplementary Note 2.

These variables mainly include temperatures of different sections or devices, pressures in the chambers, configuration values such as voltages or field strengths, and the settings of the many slow feedback loops that keep the FEL stable.

The purpose of these variables was to monitor long-term drifts, which can be useful to understand how the fluctuations evolve over time. Most of these variables are recorded for all LCLS experiments by default.

More details about the variables included in the analysis can be found in Supplementary Note 2. It was implemented in Python using the LCLS software package Psana 56 at the LCLS servers and locally on standard consumer computers. The Scikit-learn 57 framework v0.

Tensorflow 59 v0. More than variables, including fast signals from gas detectors and electron beam diagnostics, environmental EPICS variables and a timestamp, were used as features for the prediction.

More details about some of the particular variables included can be found in Supplementary Note 2. More details about each of these output variables can be found in the corresponding subsections for each of the prediction examples.

This normally reduced the total number of features to around We then gradually reduced the number of features included, keeping only the ones showing a high correlation with the variable to be predicted, setting the threshold by minimizing the error of the validation set.

Around 40 features were normally kept as a result of this process. A typical dataset consisted of about 3 × 10 4 shots. Shots presenting outliers in the outputs were also removed to avoid training on events where the results obtained from the complex diagnostics were potentially unreliable.

We considered as outliers all the values separated from the median of the distribution by more than four times the median absolute deviation. The test set was kept isolated from the rest during the training and optimization of the models.

Each of the features was normalized by subtracting the mean value and dividing on the standard deviation. This was also applied in some cases to the outputs, although we found the latter to only be relevant for the ANNs.

On the other hand, we applied PCA to the output variables of the spectral shape prediction to reduce the number of predicted variables required to represent a spectrum, while minimizing the effects of the noise in the training with the measured spectra.

We obtained the best results by keeping only the first 20 principal components out of the spectral components measured by the spectrometer. We used multiple supervised learning models to predict each of the output variables from the scaled features and evaluated them using the mean error, calculated as the mean absolute distance of each predicted value to the measured value.

For a summary of the machine learning models used, see Supplementary Note 1. The training was performed to minimize the mean error on the training set.

The hyperparameters of each model were modified to minimize the mean error on the validation set. Finally, the accuracy of each model was quoted as the mean error obtained on the test set.

In the case of the spectral shape prediction, we define our accuracy by calculating the agreement between the vectors representing the measured, V m , and the predicted, V p , spectra using the similarity function defined as:.

Polynomial models were fit to the data using simple regression. Owing to the number of features, it was not possible to use higher order models than quadratic, as the number of artificial features created by combining all of the input features up to the required degree scales as the number of k -multicombinations of n elements, where k is the polynomial order and n the number of input features.

In fact, the number of parameters to fit in the model can become comparable or larger than the size of the training data. In practice, this limits the non-linearities that can be represented, as the order is the only hyperparameter available to increase the complexity of polynomial models.

The optimal hyperparameters for the SVR models C , , γ and the ANN number of hidden layers, number of cells per layer were found in each case by applying a grid search. A rectified linear activation function was used for the hidden cells of the ANN.

The ANNs were trained until convergence using the AdaGrad 60 algorithm with a batch size of 1, samples per training step. The final hyperparameters were chosen to minimize the error of the validation set, while not overfitting the training set, to make sure the model was kept as simple as possible.

The optimized ANN size in the different cases was as follows: 2 hidden layers with 10 and 5 cells, respectively, for single-pulse photon energy prediction; 3 hidden layers with 50, 50 and 20 cells for spectral shape prediction; 2 hidden layers with 50 and 10 cells for delay prediction, and 2 hidden layers with 20 and 10 cells for double-pulse photon energy prediction.

K-neighbours and decision tree regressor models were also used, but in general achieved worse results for all the examples. For a summary of the hyperparameters used for each model, see Supplementary Table 1.

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Sports betting websites

sports betting websites

Four years later, Bet launched their betting site, revolutionising the industry. Many moved offshore to Gibraltar, Malta or the Isle of Man, but a point of consumption tax then forced them to pay tax on bets accepted from UK punters. It introduced new protections for children and vulnerable adults.

The UK Gambling Commission is tasked with regulating the operators on our list of UK licenced bookmakers. The best betting sites must comply with strict regulations, and they will be fined heavily if they fail to do so. For example, the Gambling Commission fined Betway a record £ If bookmakers continue to fail when it comes to responsible gambling, their licences will be removed.

You must be over 18 to wager at online bookmakers, UK Gambling Commission regulations stipulate. There are dozens of ambitious UK betting sites to choose from, check out our list of online bookmakers UK to discover the best.

We only recommend safe, reputable, trustworthy online betting sites with competitive odds and great bonuses in our list of UK licensed bookmakers. You can visit your nearest betting shop or simply head online and use one of the best betting sites. There are a wealth of UK betting sites to choice from.

You will then be presented with a broader choice, allowing you to claim the best odds, the best bonuses and the strongest customer service from a list of betting websites. The best online betting sites UK is really a matter of personal preference. Some sites offer consistently great odds, while others offer the best bonuses or the highest betting limits, while there are also best online betting site for football, horse racing, cricket or various other sports.

Yet the most popular gambling websites are Bet, William Hill, Paddy Power, Betfair, Ladbrokes, Coral, Betfred, Unibet, Sport and Betway, and they are also some of the best UK bookies. The top UK bookmakers offer free bets as an incentive to register for an account.

Visit Bookies. com to uncover the best UK betting sites offers. You should start by reading our sports betting online sites reviews and then sign up for an account with one of the best UK bookmakers. You can then make a deposit, navigate to a sport you want to bet on, find a particular event and click on the betting option you are interested in.

Your selection will then be added to the bet slip, so you can enter the amount you would like to bet, check you are happy with the potential profit and click to confirm the bet. The best bookmakers in the UK all have apps that can be downloaded from the App Store or Google Play.

It's subjective, but the team at Bookies. com enjoyed using the Bet app, the Ladbrokes app and the Unibet app. You can check out our sports betting sites reviews to find the app that most appeals to you as a punter. The biggest online bookies in UK will accept debit card payments, but credit cards are not permitted under UK law.

Alternative options include PayPal, Skrill, Neteller, Apple Pay, Google Pay, PaySafeCard or a direct bank transfer. The best UK licensed bookmakers do not accept crypto. We use cookies to improve our service and to enhance your user experience.

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Used 4 Times Today. Used 6 Times Today. Used 35 Times Today. Used 8 Times Today. Used 44 Times Today. Used 3 Times Today. UK Online Sports Betting FAQs Is online sports betting legal in UK?

Online sports betting is completely legal at UK licensed bookmakers, provided you are 18 or older. However, several illegal, unlicensed betting sites also target British punters, so it is important to stick to safe, legal, regulated UK betting sites and apps.

com to see a list of the best UK bookmakers on the market. Is single-game wagering available in UK? Single-game wagering has been available in the UK for several decades. High street British bookmakers such as William Hill, Ladbrokes , Coral and Karamba have been taking wagers on single games and accas for many years, and online UK betting sites have been operating since the s.

com for a full bookies list of UK licensed bookmakers, including Bet, Betfred, SkyBet, William Hill, Ladbrokes and Paddy Power. However sometimes using these methods may exclude you from bookmakers welcome offers.

If so this will be mentioned in the terms and conditions of the welcome offer. For more info on which payment methods are accepted by which bookmakers please read through our bookmaker reviews. In recent years the regulations for bookmakers have tightened as the Gambling Commission have looked to increase the protection of the user.

This is fantastic news for the industry and all who use online betting sites but you need to be aware that you may have some small inconveniences when trying to open a new online betting site or if you are wanting to place large bets with a bookmaker. ID verification is very strict and sometimes you may be asked to send off copies of documents for ID and address verification.

Also if you are placing large bets and or making large deposits then online betting sites have a responsibility to ensure that you can afford to do so. You may be asked affordability checks such as showing your pay slips and or you may be asked for proof of funds for money laundering checks.

Don't take such requests personally, all licensed online bookies must follow these regulations or they can face huge fines. Here are some common tips to help you with gambling responsibily online.

For more information take a look at our detailed responsible gambling guide. You will have seen this slogan used by online bookmakers frequently over recent years.

It is trying to get across the serious point that if you aren't enjoying gambling you should stop immediately. You can use a process of self evaluation to help you to understand if you have a gambling problem.

There is a great tool at Gamcare. If you do believe that you have a problem then there is always someone to talk to at begambleaware. They can offer great advice including helping you to self exclude. There is a valuable service called Gamstop which allows you to self exclude from all betting companies signed up to the program for a period of your choice.

All UK licensed bookmakers listed on this site will be part of the GamStop programme. For this reason and many others you should never join betting sites not GamStop.

We strongly recommend that you record your gambling and set yourself limits. Only bet what you can afford to lose. Online betting sites have started to offer a number of tools to help you with this including. Using playing time notifications to remind you how long you have been gambling and when to stop is a useful tool and so is setting a specific loss amount you are happy with in advance.

Online betting has been growing at a great rate in recent years, at the expense of high street betting shops. The Covid pandemic results in betting shop closures and as sports returned, sports bettors only had one choice if they wanted a bet and that was online.

Many who hadn't already opened online betting accounts did so during this period, experiencing the benefits of betting by mobile phone via sites or apps. Once betting shops re opened, many had already experienced enough to stick with online betting.

The BetVictor mobile betting app provides versatile sports coverage with exclusive betting app features. Betfair is far easier to use via mobile app than site and Matchbook is a great alternative exchange which also has a highly rated mobile offering. Read our full analysis of the best betting apps.

Most UK high streets have one or more betting shops but they have been in decline as online gambling has grown. As of March there were 7, UK betting shops, down from 8, in March and 9, in March source Statista.

More and more people are becoming aware of the benefits of betting online but plenty still mix this with visits to the local bookies or even exclusively use the high street shop. These are the biggest high street bookies by the number of shops they run.

The latest figures available from Statista are from and show the declines since Keep in mind there has been further decline in total shops between 8, shops and 7, shops. If you are new to online betting, perhaps previously using high street betting shops to place your bets, then we recommend one of these better known brands for your first online betting account.

These betting sites are all easy to use, offer a good range of betting opportunities, a good range of deposit methods, great customer service and an all round easy online betting experience.

Make them your first port of call and once you are used to betting online, take a look around at other alternatives based on what sports you like to bet on or types of bet you like to place.

bet is the highest rated sports betting site licensed in the UK according to the OLBG user ratings. The betting sites on this page are ordered by their user ratings so you can see the full list from highest rated to lowest rated. Our in house team also review all new bookmakers in detail before we add them to the site.

So read their reviews too by clicking on the links on this page. The biggest online bookmaker in the World is thought to be bet Based on global revenue of all betting brands controlled, Entain includes Ladbrokes, Coral, Bwin is larger with Flutter includes Paddy Power, Betfair next largest.

The big three bookmakers in the UK of Ladbrokes, Coral and William Hill are often referred to being the largest due to having the most retail outlets high street betting shops. It is rare for an online betting site not to offer a welcome bonus to encourage customers to sign up.

You can see a full list of offers on our free bets page. We actually time this as part of our review of all new bookmakers we add to OLBG. Typically it takes between 2 and 5 minutes to complete the online registration and deposit funds and place our first bet.

This can be delayed if the bookmaker needs to verify identification or funds. Typically not much more than your name, address and payment details. This is why it is so quick and easy to open an online betting account.

The exception though is if paperwork is required to verify your identity. This is understandable though and should be expected on occasions by customers. Bookmakers have very strict ID verification, money laundering and affordability checks which they must adhere to.

For every single bookmaker listed on OLBG we also list all the deposit methods available. Just go to the review page to find out. The vast majority of UK customers deposit funds through debit cards. Many bookmakers do also accept other online payment methods such as PayPal and Skrill.

Bookmakers are not allowed to accept credit cards as a deposit method. Make sure you check any welcome offer terms and conditions as the use of some payment methods may mean that you don't qualify for a free bet or bonus. According to OLBG ratings, bet is the most trusted UK betting site.

According to trust pilot ratings 10bet has the highest trust rating followed by BetVictor. The quick summary and conclusion from all our analysis is that these are the best betting sites in each category. Want to learn more about online betting sites?

OLBG is packed through of guides to help you to learn more and find the best sites for you to use. Here are some of the most relevant guides not already mentioned for further reading. Betting Odds Explained - How Do Bookmakers Work? Best New Top Rated.

Rate BetMGM. The BetMGM Sports sportsbook brings you all the action from the most entertaining sports across the world. BetMGM Review. SEE OFFER BetMGM Review. Rate Kwiff. Kwiff Review. SEE OFFER Kwiff Review. Rate BetVictor. Rated 1 Betting app and often best odds to be found on football and racing.

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Rate Betfred. Betfred Review. SEE OFFER Betfred Review. Rate QuinnBet. The best range of weekly promotions you'll find online. Quinnbet are rapidly becoming one of the most popular bookmakers newly listed on OLBG. QuinnBet Review. SEE OFFER QuinnBet Review.

Rate Sporting Index. World leaders in sports spread betting, Sporting Index open up a whole new way of betting on sport, maximising your accuracy in your sporting predictions. Sporting Index Review. SEE OFFER Sporting Index Review. Rate Parimatch. Parimatch offer live betting on more than 20 sports in 60 countries, with over leagues and sporting events, every day, 24 hours a day.

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Rate SBK. A new way to bet. A bookmaker that tells if you have the best price, gives you tips, and asks you what features you want. SBK Review.

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The Tote: British gambling company since Sold to Betfred in Sold to UK Tote Group in Largest pool betting operator. Based in Wigan.

uk Review. SEE OFFER Tote. Rate Betway. A fantastic sportsbook with the 1 Rated Weekly FREE BET CLUB. Free Jackpot predictor games with huge prizes and superb eSports betting too. Betway Review. SEE OFFER Betway Review. Rate Midnite. Bet on sports and esports like never before.

Midnite is making betting friendly and fan-first. Call the shots with next level betting Midnite Review. SEE OFFER Midnite Review. Rate MagicRed Sports. MagicRed has always been one of the top online casinos at OLBG but now you can bet on sports on the platform too.

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Rate bet Top rated by OLBG users for years. Ranked as best bookie in more categories than any other. org ad bet Review. SEE OFFER bet Review. Rate BetTarget. No-frills, bet-smart, online sportsbook, designed to cater to both experienced bettors and beginners alike.

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SEE OFFER Lottoland Review. Rate All British Sports. All British Sports bring the Brilliant back to Bet Builder and a host of other top class sports betting options across not only to British but International sport too! All British Sports Review.

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Rate Rhino. If you choose to bet with Rhino. bet, you may notice that they are not afraid to do things a little differently.

A streamlined approach to coverage allows them to really focus on what matters Rhino. bet Review. SEE OFFER Rhino. Rate BoyleSports. One of the best Acca insurance products available. Boylesports are hugely popular due to some of the best weekly and big event promotions for registered customers BoyleSports Review.

SEE OFFER BoyleSports Review. Rate 10bet. As well as excellent promotions for registered customers. SEE OFFER 10bet Review. Rate Paddy Power. Early Payouts, Money back specials and crazy promotions on big sporting events, Paddy Power offers a rewards club and fabulous football betting options.

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DAZN Bet Review. SEE OFFER DAZN Bet Review. Rate 32Red. A far bigger bookmaker than you would expect with fantastic eSport coverage and lots of promotions for registered customers. SEE OFFER 32Red Review. Rate HeySpin Sports. HeySpin bring a fresh new approach to the UK, looking to provide an 'Elite Standard' to Sports Betting HeySpin Sports Review.

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Rate CopyBet. CopyBet is a unique UK platform that has it all for successful sports betting — from the new innovative sportsbook to an automated copy betting system. CopyBet Review.

SEE OFFER CopyBet Review. Rate William Hill. Established in , William Hill is a leading gambling corporation operating globally. Offering an extensive range of services such as sports betting, poker, and online casino games. William Hill Review.

SEE OFFER William Hill Review. Rate Coral. One of the UKs largest bookies. Good for horse racing and they price up many antepost races before any other bookmaker.

Coral Review. SEE OFFER Coral Review. Rate Sportingbet. Often overlooked for bigger brands, Sportingbet offer a great promotion range to registered customers including enhanced odds and acca insurance from their long-standing online offering.

Sportingbet Review. SEE OFFER Sportingbet Review. Rate Ladbrokes. Founded in , Ladbrokes, a prominent sports betting brand in the UK, is part of the Ladbrokes Coral Group and provides in-store and online services, complemented by their convenient app.

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Rate BWin. Strong European bookmaker with good coverage of Euro football. With over 20 million users they are one of the biggest bookies in Europe. BWin Review. SEE OFFER BWin Review.

Rate Vbet. Super fast site is great for in play betting with great stats centre and unique offers for registered customers. Vbet are better than expected. Vbet Review. SEE OFFER Vbet Review. Rate GrosvenorSport. Superb football betting site with statistics, great odds and brilliant live betting options.

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Take a look, we think you'll be impressed. LeoVegas Review. SEE OFFER LeoVegas Review. Rate Smarkets. The best exchange app available with low commission rates. Smarkets gives Exchange betting and trading a modern feel and is a great alternative to Betfair Smarkets Review.

SEE OFFER Smarkets Review. Rate The Online Casino. TheOnlineCasino has a surprisingly good sportsbook despite the name of the brand. A great sports betting platform to try. The Online Casino Review. SEE OFFER The Online Casino Review. Rate Betiton.

In-Play football stats are great for helping to make in play bets. Full and Partial cash out means you really can enjoy football betting with Betiton Betiton Review. SEE OFFER Betiton Review. Rate Pub Sports. Brand new sports betting site for football, horse racing and much much more - Check out Pub Sports welcome offer and options Pub Sports Review.

SEE OFFER Pub Sports Review. Rate Britain Bet. BritainBet keeps a slim range of sports and specialises in each with a Casino tagged on for good measure Britain Bet Review. SEE OFFER Britain Bet Review. Rate Fun Sports.

It's Fun because it is simple. This mobile optmised sports betting site has Football, Golf, Tennis, US Sports and more Fun Sports Review. SEE OFFER Fun Sports Review. Rate YetiBet. Yeti have added a slimline sportsbook offering football betting and more alongside the slots and tables in the excellent casino YetiBet Review.

SEE OFFER YetiBet Review. Rate Monster Sports. One of the freshest UK sportsbooks with a great range of live betting options Monster Sports Review. SEE OFFER Monster Sports Review. The Best Betting Sites In The UK - Our Top Picks Explained The best betting sites in the UK, our top picks are explained here.

bet BetVictor Kwiff Unibet Pari Match Fitzdares Below is a summary as to why each of these best betting sites have been rated highly. BetVictor BetVictor rates highly in many of our betting site research guides, consistently providing good odds for both horse racing and football.

Refreshing that they allow very low stakes and deposits which makes them accessible to even the most cautious punters" Pros Cons Top rated site for Tennis betting Consistently offers good horse racing odds Rated best mobile experience in our deep analysis not one of the top bet builder products according to our research not one of the best cash out offerings no weekly free bet club 3.

Kwiff Kwiff have been making great strides in the UK online betting space with a modern and innovative approach. nice and easy to deposit and withdraw and great offer and a lot of bonuses" Pros Cons Unique offerings, promotions and rewards Great for Casino games Very easy to use site Not rated highly for horse racing betting Limited choice of sports and markets compared to some Might not suit more serious punters used to traditional offerings 4.

Parimatch Pari Match is a lesser known betting brand, although one of our reviewers pointed out that they have been around for over 17 years. Fitzdares Fitzdares bookmaker is bringing something different to online betting, styled as the Worlds finest bookmaker and has built its brand offline appealing to higher end punters.

Star Sports Star Sports, UK's top luxury bookmaker, provides unique betting services and is renowned for quality service, large bets, and professional integrity.

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TalkSPORTBet Talksportbet is a football-focused, in-play betting expert with superb bet builder. Pros Cons One of the newer betting brands Football focussed and as such a good option Good promotions Not as established as bigger brands differing views regarding branding the radio station with a bookmaker.

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Our team of gambling aficionados works tirelessly to pick apart the US betting sites offering free bets bonus, digging into every detail to figure out which sites stand to give our users the best experience possible.

First and foremost, a free bets site needs to hold a valid license to operate in the US to feature on this page. Not all sites are licensed to operate in every legal state, so be sure to check that a site is valid in yours before signing up.

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Sportsbooks tend to offer dozens of sports and tournaments to bet on from around the world, but some sites are definitely better than others when it comes to variety and depth. Generally speaking, the more options there are, the better. Live streaming, in-play betting, cash out options, PvP features, fantasy options, and virtual sports are offered in various places across the betting site spectrum.

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Your free bet welcome offer is usually credited when you make your first deposit, but some sports betting sites may even offer a no deposit bonus, whereby you receive a free bet just for signing up. Some free bet welcome bonuses band friends together in a sports betting embrace.

A risk-free bets — sometimes referred to as money back bets — will refund you in free bets if your first bet loses, and are frequently offered to both new and existing customers.

The exact terms vary between online sportsbooks, but there are a handful of terms that apply to pretty much every bonus offer. In most instances, you need to make a deposit before you qualify for free bet offers.

A sportsbook may set minimum odds restrictions on both your qualifying real money bet and the markets on which you may use your free bet bonus, though some just set these restrictions on the bonus. For example, you may be required to wager your free bet on markets of 1.

Also known as playthrough requirements, wagering requirements most often apply to casino bonus offers, but also apply to some sports betting bonuses. These requirements stipulate how much you must wager in real money bets before you can withdraw any winnings accrued with your bonus token.

At some US betting sites, for example, you must wager any winnings 6 times before you can withdraw them as cash. Some free bet offers are to be used on just one betting market, such as football or basketball betting, but you may also be restricted when it comes to the bet types you can make.

Even if you have the choice of all sports, you might not be able to use the free bet stake on round robin bets, for example. The time you have to make use of the free bets will depend on the generosity of the sportsbook and the size of the bonus.

Be wary that there are often payment methods that may leave you ineligible to accept free bet offers, or any other bonus associated with a betting site. You can of course use any of the listed payment methods to make regular deposits, but be sure to read through the terms and conditions of any bonus you want to accept, in case your preferred banking route is listed under restrictions.

Deposits made with bank cards will always qualify bettors for a bonus offer, but as a general rule, deposits made with more contemporary banking technologies such as e-wallets will often be excluded from accessing the bonus.

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Even the best free bet offers are likely to come with a maximum win limit, also known as a winning cap. Better to therefore think of the winning cap as a useful on-site limiter, as opposed to a gambling inhibitor.

Every NFL game is available to bet on through the regular season and into the play-offs towards the Super Bowl.

NFL betting goes way beyond which teams you think will win — you can also place proposition bets that are not directly tied to the outcome of the match, such as which player will score a touchdown, or how many field goals a team will score. Thanks to recent legislative changes, basketball betting is more readily available than ever for US bettors.

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Perhaps you want to place a risk-free bet on an outside winner for the Stanley Cup in May? The annual Grand Slams are a great place to start for a tennis bet — these include the Australian Open, French Open, Wimbledon and US Open.

If you prefer a team event, be sure to check out the Davis Cup — the US has the most titles with Golf fans are also well catered for when it comes to free bet offers, with regular tournaments running all throughout the year.

Golf betting is just as varied as other sports — you can take your pick of the player to win a particular championship such as The Masters or the British Open, or hone in on a more specific bet. This could include which players will make the cut in a particular tournament, which player will claim the most ranking points, whether the winner will birdie the last hole, and much more.

Dating back to the s, horse racing is one of the oldest sports in the US and has a very close relationship with betting.

Beyond free bets, horse racing is the ideal sport for picking up different betting bonuses. Best odds guaranteed is a particularly popular offer which allows bettors to get the best odds even if they improve after the bet is placed. The best sites are packed full of helpful features to enhance your sports betting experience.

Cash out is a super handy betting feature that can be used in lots of different ways depending on the situation. Alternatively, you may want to cut your losses if it looks like your pre-game bet is a dud.

Be sure to check the terms and conditions regarding early cash out and free bets, as this may not be an option at some sportsbooks. Also known as betting in-play, live betting is an exciting option if you want to be in the thick of the action.

This means you can respond to how the game develops and change your pre-game predictions accordingly. If live betting sounds up your street, you can enhance the experience by watching the match at the same time. Many sportsbooks allow you to do this from their site or app, subject to you placing a real money wager first.

Some of the best sports betting sites have free bet offers as part of their regular promotions. Exactly how you claim free bet offers varies between sites. These free bets may be used exclusively for wagers on those set events. You may also be able to enlist in free bet clubs at bookies with free bets.

These clubs tend to issue free bets once a week, with certain conditions to be met in order to join the club — the most significant of these is usually a requirement to bet a certain amount before Monday strikes. This is exactly the kind of promotion that keeps customers loyal, with regular opportunities to take part in a bonus.

Similarly, parlay clubs may offer members a free parlay bet on a weekly basis. These work in exactly the same way as free bet clubs, except the offer is restricted to parlay wagers only.

Parlay clubs are really just a subsection of free bet clubs, but sportsbooks tend to make the distinction themselves. You might need to enter a sportsbook promo code to get your hands on a free bet. Simply enter the code when prompted to unlock the free bet.

One of the rarest of the bunch, a no deposit free bets offer is exactly as it sounds — the opportunity to place a free bet without the need for an initial deposit. Free bet sites will almost always require players to make either a bet or a deposit — which will both also have to adhere to qualifying requirements — in order to claim their free bets.

However, these minimum qualifying deposits are usually quite reasonable — usually around the ten dollar mark — and you can deposit quickly using a variety of payment methods.

Loading funds into your betting account and cashing out your winnings should always be a quick and easy process. As such, the range of payment services available always forms a key part of our sportsbook reviews. Debit cards are ubiquitous at online sportsbooks and offer several benefits.

The only real downside with debit cards is that you may have to wait up to five working days to receive your withdrawals. A popular alternative to bank cards is to use an e-wallet such as PayPal, Skrill or Neteller. Additional benefits of digital wallets include fast withdrawal times of up to 48 hours and often much quicker, and access to other features such as buying and selling cryptocurrency.

Paysafecard is a type of prepaid voucher that you can buy in stores. It uses Open Banking technology to act as an intermediary between the free bet site and your bank. While you can bet in a mobile browser, n owadays many of the top sportsbooks and betting sites have their own associated app which allows you to access the same games, betting offers, and bonuses that you find on the desktop version.

Moreover, some of the best free bets apps will offer unique bonuses that cannot be found on the usual site version — for example, betting sites may offer you free bets as a thank you for downloading their app.

Claimed your reward from our list of free bet bonus deals and want the latest on US sports betting? You can count on Compare. bet to keep you updated on the latest sports betting news. Problem gambling is not only signified by those who bet larger amounts of money than they can afford, it can also cover individuals who use betting as a way of masking real life issues, or those who develop a compulsion or addiction to gambling.

The main thing you can do to help yourself is to talk about your betting habits with those around you. Many people bet on a regular basis and enjoy doing so. The same goes for when you lose a bet. If things become too much, there are a number of national and state-wide organizations that can help you.

Some of these are:. Alternatively, all legal gambling sites list problem gambling organizations on their sites. Details for your specific state should be clearly advertised. OLBG has been reviewing sportsbooks, and their sign-up offers across the World since , and never before have we seen such generous offers.

Rarely can you claim no deposit-free bets, but several sportsbooks have these offers available. They work much like a lot of retail offers, Buy 1 get 1 free type of offers, only with online gambling the product is bets or money to wager with, so the sportsbooks offer deposit bonuses which are effectively free bets or free wagers as an incentive for you to register with them, deposit money and gamble with them.

Depending on the state, these may be referred to as free bets, sign-up bonuses, or bet insurance. But these three terms are not truly interchangeable. Deposit bonuses are sometimes called free bets. Quite often, free bets are not entirely as free as they seem.

In most cases, you must make a deposit or a bet before the actual free bet is credited to your account. So while technically, it is a free bet to be used with no risk on the bet itself, you may have had to make some spending prior to it being awarded. Sign-up bonuses, oftentimes, are funds added to your account at the moment you sign-up and or make your first deposit.

This only is applied if you were to lose your first bet, hence the insurance terminology. You should be fully aware of the terms and conditions of any free bet as mentioned above, however, this handy checklist will ensure that is you have a range of free bets to choose from, you select the right one for you.

It is rare to find a no deposit-free bet offer these days, they simply do not provide the sportsbooks with any value and they have been pretty much phased out now.

We do have a no deposit free bet page that will list any ongoing offers but they come and go quickly, so you should check regularly for any new offers. This will depend on the type of free bet on offer. There is a range of ways you can get free bets from welcome offers when opening a new online sportsbook account.

This can work in one of two ways. With First bet match, you will be rewarded with either a matched value or percentage amount up to a maximum value, to the stake of the first bet that you place and is settled.

This type of matched free bet awards the free bet whether your first settled bet wins or loses. Sounding like an excellent offer at first glance, bet insurance requires you to make a real money bet, and whether you receive a free bet or not depends on the result of your bet.

If your first bet is a loser, then generally, the value of your bet stake is returned as a free bet. After all, you are risking real money against the chance of it being replaced with bonus funds, not real cash. However, if your first bet is a winner and you profit, you get no free bet award.

Just consider that when seeing bet insurance first bet welcome offers. It is no good if you like to bet on football but the free bet is not permitted to be used on that sport. Check what sports, events or betting markets the free bet can be used for first.

A rollover requirement can be applied to the value of the free bet value you have been awarded. Not always, but sometimes. This is more common practice on casino welcome offers with free spins as opposed to sportsbooks. However, If you do see this within the free bet terms and conditions, to the math required to understand how much you have to bet before the free bet value becomes real cash that you can withdraw from your account.

It will usually be a multiplier of the free bet amount. Be aware that usually, the bigger the offer the greater the rollover requirement is likely to be. You see the difference!.

Take time to check this small details before committing to free bets that require a turnover. This can range from days. The shorter the date, the less time you have to use the free bet before it is removed from your account.

Expert Tip : it is worthwhile for bettors to follow their favorite sportsbooks on social media and consent to receive promotional e-mails or mobile alerts. Bettors who do so will often find short-term offers to take advantage of that are not advertised elsewhere.

Online betting sites spend large marketing budgets on new customer acquisition, but most cash bonus offers also come with clearing requirements a. Wagering requirements stipulate that the customer must place a total sum of wagers equal to X before withdrawing the bonus or anything won with the bonus.

Sometimes bettors are asked to wager up to 30 times the size of the bonus. Note : this does not mean that bettors must lose that much; it just means they need to place that many total wagers.

Fortunately, bonus clearing requirements at legal US betting sites are more reasonable than what offshore sportsbooks offer. Evaluating the value of betting bonuses can be challenging due to the many ways online betting sites structure offers and their terms and conditions.

They can then subtract that number from the total bonus amount to uncover the theoretical true value of the offer. Even so, it works well as a benchmark figure and is easy to calculate. According to figures from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, sportsbooks there have achieved an average hold of 5.

Bettors can drop that even lower to 4. First, multiply the average hold by the wagering requirements attached to a specific bonus. Next, subtract that number from the bonus amount to get a general idea of how valuable that offer really is.

It turns out Bonus B is the better deal despite appearing smaller. The lower bonus wagering requirements make it more likely that bettors will be ahead after clearing the bonus. Sports bettors in each state have a unique lineup of sports betting bonuses to choose from. Local laws, tax rates, and which operators are active vary by state and impact which types of promotions are available.

Sometimes sports betting sites ask new customers to input a bonus code or promo code to claim a deposit bonus. The promo code field usually appears somewhere on the new customer registration form or when making a deposit. In most cases, betting promo codes are optional and do not offer any extra value; they are simply a marketing tracking mechanism for betting operators.

Most new customer bonuses are automatically applied whether or not a promo code is entered. Tip : BettingUSA occasionally receives exclusive sportsbook bonus codes that we pass on to visitors.

Use the betting bonus codes listed here when signing up to claim a bigger and better bonus than betting offers advertised elsewhere. For operators, sports betting bonus codes assist in tracking marketing efforts.

For example, if a customer enters a bonus code seen on a TV ad, the operator knows that specific ad inspired the customer to sign up for an account.

Sportsbook promo codes also provide a sense of exclusivity, which is an effective marketing tactic in its own right. Most states with legal online casino sites have crafted laws and regulations encouraging a competitive market. Online gambling bonuses are plentiful and often offer new depositing customers hundreds of dollars in cash or site credit.

Note : Online casino bonuses usually have some of the most demanding wagering requirements. Online poker sites usually offer the best bonuses. Poker deposit bonuses tend to be large and easy to clear compared to other types of online gambling.

Every hand of poker played for real money counts towards completing the rollover requirement and releasing bonuses for withdrawal. Poker sites offer aggressive signup bonuses because they still earn money off of rake as players clear their bonuses.

Online poker sites need real money players seated at tables to attract more new customers and keep tables running. Retail sportsbooks at casinos have little incentive to provide betting welcome bonuses to customers because gamblers tend to pick land-based casinos based on location, emphasizing convenience.

Retail sportsbooks often have loyalty programs and host other occasional promotions, but welcome bonuses are rare. Online sportsbooks are not as limited by geographic reach, and face much more competition from other operators. Betting welcome bonuses play a prominent role in online betting, which is a good thing for gamblers.

The best way to analyze the value of any sports betting promotion is to read the terms and conditions with particular attention paid to bonus wagering requirements. Online betting bonuses that come with no wagering requirements are usually an excellent value for customers.

In most cases, betting bonuses with wagering requirements of 1x to 5x are a pretty good deal. Wagering requirements in excess of 5x rollover warrant proceeding with caution.

No-deposit bonuses allow bettors to try online sportsbooks without making a deposit. Online sportsbooks can afford to offer so many bonuses because they are large companies with huge marketing budgets.

Sports betting sites also write off some promotional costs of offering bonuses as a cost of doing business, allowing them to pay less taxes. Sportsbooks also recoup some of the costs of promotions by enforcing wagering requirements on larger bonuses. Operators also know exactly how much value each new customer is worth on average and are willing to spend money acquiring new customers to ensure a long-term profit.

The largest sports betting bonuses are usually reserved for new customers making their first deposit. Some sportsbook promo offers are also open to existing customers.

Mike Murphy is the founder of BettingUSA. com and has over 10 years of experience in the legal gambling industry.

A regular attendee of industry trade shows and conferences, Mike is a strong proponent in the idea of a well regulated online betting industry. Subscribe to our newsletter to stay up to date with the latest US betting news and gain access to exclusive bonuses, promotions, and offers.

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San Francisco 49ers. If the rushing yards prop for Christian McCaffrey is set at 75 yards, you could wager on whether you think McCaffrey will run for more or fewer than 75 yards in the game. If you believe he will have 76 or more rushing yards, you would bet on the over.

If you predict he will have 74 or fewer rushing yards, you would bet on the under. This bet is based on the total number of yards a player will accumulate during the course of a season.

The trick is to correctly predict whether that player will go over or under the number set by oddsmakers. Every pass catcher has a reception prop. Wide Receivers like A. Example: In a game between the Tennessee Titans and the Indianapolis Colts.

If the reception yards prop for A. Brown is set at 85 yards, you could bet on whether you believe Brown will accumulate more or fewer than 85 receiving yards in the game.

If you think he will have 86 or more receiving yards, you would bet on the over. If you predict he will have 84 or fewer receiving yards, you would bet on the under. One of the most exciting aspects of sports is the drama that comes with a close game. Sometimes, it comes down to one kick at the end to decide the victor.

With field goals, this drama is magnified tenfold, as every point can be the difference between winning and losing. Example: In a game between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Baltimore Ravens.

If you think there will be 4 or more field goals made, you would bet on the over. If you predict there will be 3 or fewer field goals made, you would bet on the under.

Caesars Sportsbook usually has plenty of touchdown scorer-based props including the first touchdown scored, most touchdowns scored and many others. If the touchdown scorer prop for Josh Allen is set at 2. The draft is when teams select players who have recently finished college.

Free agency is when players who have completed their contracts can sign with any team they want. Players who are selected in the draft are usually given prop bets on how they will perform in their first season.

For example, a player might be given a prop on how many touchdowns they will score. Examples of props are the following:. You can find these NFL player prop bet options, in addition to a wide range of other popular types of bets, at most major online sportsbooks.

Live betting, also known as in-play betting, has revolutionized the sports betting industry, allowing bettors to place wagers on NFL player props as the action unfolds on the field. This dynamic form of betting offers a thrilling way to engage with the game, as odds and opportunities change with every play.

For example, if a team is trailing in the second half, they may be more likely to pass the ball, offering potential value on receiving and passing yard props.

Conversely, a team with a comfortable lead may focus on running the ball to control the clock, presenting opportunities to bet on rushing props. One key betting tip is to keep an eye on player performance and matchup advantages. If a key defensive player is injured during the game, this could open up opportunities for offensive players to exceed their expected performance, making it a prime time to place a live bet.

Live betting on NFL player props not only adds an extra layer of excitement to watching the game but also allows savvy bettors to capitalize on their knowledge and insights as the game unfolds. With the right approach and quick decision-making, live betting can be a profitable and enjoyable addition to your sports betting repertoire.

Betting on individual players in the NFL can be both exciting and profitable, but it requires a strategic approach to maximize your chances of success. Here are some tips and strategies to help you make informed bets on NFL player props:. By applying these football betting strategies, you can enhance your NFL player prop betting experience.

Remember, successful betting is not just about picking winners but making informed decisions that provide long-term profitability. You can see odds for player props like passing touchdowns, first touchdown scorer, anytime touchdown scorer, passing yards per game and more.

Betting analysts and handicappers calculate fresh odds for key players like Justin Jefferson, T. Watt and Joe Burrow with each passing game. NFL player props are bets on the individual performance of players in a game, such as the number of touchdowns scored, yards gained or receptions made.

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Social gambling

social gambling

There is no evidence that the Chicago study attempted to consider whether the estimated costs and prevalence rates borrowed from other studies were appropriate to Chicago.

In addition, the authors do not appear to have tried to separate real costs from transfer costs, nor did they try to estimate aggregate pathological gambling costs rather than incremental costs due to pathological gambling. In a study that strays from traditional economic impact analysis, Grinols and Omorov attempted to determine, using benefit-cost analysis, whether improved access to casino gambling offsets the externality or spillover costs associated with pathological gambling.

Their study takes a unique approach to the estimation of the net economic effects of gambling. Instead of focusing on a particular geographic area, as most economic impact studies do, they attempted to estimate the effect of increasing gambling accessibility nationwide.

They define externality costs as criminal justice system costs, social service costs, and costs due to lost productivity. In order to estimate the per capita social costs due to pathological gambling, they relied on the annual cost estimates per pathological gambler and prevalence rates for pathological gambling computed in earlier studies Goodman, ; Lorenz et al.

They do not, however, further the understanding of what constitutes the costs of pathological gambling or the magnitude of these costs. Instead, Grinols and Omorov relied on the work done by others to assign dollar values to the externalities and used these estimates without any attempt to determine whether the estimates were appropriate for the task at hand.

In a study that attempted to identify the benefits and costs associated with gambling, Madden looked at the socioeconomic costs of gambling in South Dakota. The analysis—a simple time series analysis of data for identified benefits and costs—represents one of the first attempts to determine whether some of the alleged costs associated with pathological and problem gambling were appearing in communities that were adopting or expanding legalized gambling.

Madden does not specifically consider the costs of pathological and problem gambling but does analyze trends in factors that often are cited as being affected by such gambling, including the number of recipients of Aid to Families with Dependent Children, the number of families receiving food stamps, the number of child abuse and neglect cases, the number of child support cases, the number of divorce filings, the percentage of property taxes that are not collected, the number of bankruptcy filings, the number of small claims filings, and the number of real estate foreclosures.

This study raises another potentially difficult problem with gambling studies. When gambling is introduced to an area, there is a natural temptation to do simple before-and-after comparisons and to attribute positive or negative differences to the introduction of gambling.

In other words, the effects of gambling are deemed to be any changes that have occurred since gambling was introduced. But this is not necessarily true. For example, if per capita income is found to be higher after gambling was introduced, is the rise in income attributable to gambling?

Perhaps it is, but perhaps not. Per capita incomes have typically been rising in the United States, so perhaps some of the gain is due simply to general economic growth. Perhaps other things happened in the community that would increase per capita income. During the same period in which per capita incomes were found to rise in the community in which gambling was introduced, per capita incomes may well have also risen in communities in which gambling was not introduced.

Similarly, if personal bankruptcies increased following the introduction of gambling, the analyst would also need to know what the trend in personal bankruptcies was elsewhere and during the same time period before attributing the increase to increased gambling availability.

A Florida study of the effects of casino gambling represents an improvement in the identification and estimation of the benefits and costs of pathological and problem gambling Florida Office of Planning and Budgeting, Its derivation of the net positive benefits considered the direct and indirect effects that casinos will have on the state economy, carefully considering expenditure substitution and leakage to ensure that the focus is on additional spending associated with the casino and not some measure of gross economic activity.

Rather than accept the Volberg estimate without question, the researchers examined circumstances specific to Florida to ensure that the estimates were appropriate. This was accomplished by estimating the incarceration, supervision, and new prison construction costs that would be attributable to problem gambler criminal incidents, using Florida Department of Corrections data.

These estimates indicated that Volberg's annual societal cost figures were reasonable to use for estimating potential impacts in Florida. In order to determine the increase in pathological and problem gamblers that would result from casino gambling, the study also relied on estimates generated from three different sources, rather than adopting without question a prevalence rate generated for a different single community.

The three estimates are based on: 1 the projected market share that casinos would command in the legalized gambling market in the state, 2 a number derived from experiential data provided by the Florida Council on Compulsive Gambling, and 3 a figure based on information provided by the National Council on Compulsive Gambling.

The Florida study cost estimation methodology is noteworthy because, although the study relied on per gambler estimates calculated for another jurisdiction, it first assessed the appropriateness of applying that estimate to Florida.

In addition, the study used three prevalence estimates derived from three communities rather than relying on a single generic estimated prevalence rate. Taken together, the per pathological gambler cost estimate and the three prevalence estimates enabled the analysts to provide a range of costs attributable to pathological gamblers if casinos were approved in Florida.

Unfortunately, the study was based on several key but untested assumptions that may have had the effect of overestimating costs associated with pathological and problem gambling and minimizing the benefits of casino gambling.

Specifically, the researchers advance a conservative estimate of new tourism and also assumed that Florida would experience substantial substitution effects in the food and recreation industries if casino gambling were approved.

Closer examination also reveals that, in relying on the Volberg cost to society estimate per pathological or problem gambler, the state adopted her reliance on the estimate by Lesieur and Klien that two out of three pathological or problem gamblers become incarcerated or otherwise impose substantial criminal justice costs—an assumption not independently tested.

A significant improvement in the methodology used to identify and estimate the social costs of gambling, and specifically pathological and problem gambling, is found in a study conducted in Australia Dickerson et al.

This study apparently is one of the first studies to perform a comprehensive and carefully thought-out economic impact analysis of gambling.

The survey provides extensive information about patterns of gambling in New South Wales, attitudes toward gambling, gambling preferences, and information relating to the negative effects associated with problem gambling, among other things. The study details the approach taken to estimate the prevalence of problem gambling.

Clearly, the researchers carefully considered the appropriateness of their estimate for the subject community, not choosing to rely on estimates developed elsewhere.

To identify the costs associated with problem gambling, the researchers used information from their survey and from their own clinical databases. Once the identification phase was completed, they used the following methodology to place a dollar value on as many of the costs as they could pp.

The study was able to "cost out" a number of factors associated with pathological gambling. The process used to arrive at the productivity loss estimate shows the care the researchers used as they developed their cost estimates.

They looked at data from both the survey and the clinics to identify employment-related costs and the extent to which problem gamblers were affected.

On the basis of these data, the productivity loss estimate was derived using an assumption that one hour per week was lost per problem gambler, an estimate of the number of problem gamblers affected, the average earnings earned, and the percentage of individuals in the workplace versus the home.

The authors also were careful to underscore how sensitive the estimate is to the assumption regarding average time lost at work.

A second factor associated with problem gambling in the study is legal costs. Although an estimate is included for family and individual costs, the researchers note that many of the family-related effects identified do not lend themselves to quantification because it would involve a very subjective process.

As a result, only two family and individual effects are given a dollar value: the costs of divorce proceedings and acute treatment costs. The methodology used by the researchers to reach this estimate of net positive effect involved the use of input-output multipliers, carefully adjusted for substitution of expenditures and leakage.

It is noted that the costs amount to 1. However, the authors are quick to note that they use conservative costing assumptions and that a number of the effects identified are not assigned dollar values. The net economic benefit is therefore likely to be overstated. A second study that makes a significant contribution to the literature on the economic impacts of gambling is one that identifies and quantifies the social costs of gambling in the state of Wisconsin Thompson et al.

The authors point out that there is little objective information about the benefits and costs associated with gambling, much less the costs of pathological and problem gambling, but that many studies have offered opinions about the effects such gambling has on society.

The approach taken by these researchers to arrive at estimates of the costs of pathological and problem gambling involved using a survey instrument to get information from serious problem gamblers in Wisconsin Thompson et al.

They distributed questionnaires to members of Gamblers Anonymous chapters and received 98 completed surveys. The questionnaires provided the researchers with demographic data on the respondents, gambling histories, information about some of the games they played, volume of gambling activity and the source of funds, and the consequences of gambling.

The authors used the information obtained from the survey to attempt to answer the following questions: 1 How much does one serious problem gambler cost society?

To answer these questions, they used information from their survey as well as information provided by earlier research on the costs of problem gambling. They chose to focus on employment costs, bad debts and civil court costs, thefts and criminal justice system costs, therapy costs, and welfare costs.

They calculated the costs for all problem gamblers in the state and for a subset of problem gamblers who could be associated with the state's American Indian casinos. Employment costs included both the annual cost of working hours lost due to gambling plus the unemployment compensation attributable to gambling.

Estimates of the loss in productivity due to gambling were based on how many hours of work the gambler lost due to unemployment. The researchers chose to use this measure rather than attempt to estimate the loss of productivity on the job, which they thought involved too much subjectivity.

Bad debts were calculated by focusing on the debt burden of the problem gamblers in the study who were involved in bankruptcy court proceedings. Thompson et al. In reality, it is likely that many problem gamblers will ultimately pay little of their debts. These estimates were combined with the bad debt estimates to provide the estimates for the annual total bad debt and theft-related costs per gambler.

Even this study, however, is not without serious flaws and often counts as benefits things that would properly have been considered transfers. Nevertheless, this study is an important improvement over many previous ones.

argue that their estimates of the social costs of problem gambling are conservative but realistic, although others have suggested the estimates are too high see Walker and Barnett, point out that the calculations are based on information obtained from the survey of problem gamblers and other outside sources.

In addition, they are careful to identify the assumptions and methodology used in the calculations, something most previous studies failed to do.

The researchers underscore the intentional conservatism of their analysis Thompson et al. We wish the information we present to be useful for policy makers, so we have carefully avoided adding numbers into the formula where we felt that we could not reasonably make good assumptions and good estimates of the costs.

Nonetheless, we suspect that the areas not considered do represent social costs, and these may be revealed in more refined studies in the future. Some areas where costs must exist, but were not considered, include the lower productivity on the job, family disorganization, and bad debts by those who do not declare bankruptcy.

Because they did not have sufficient information themselves to make a reasonable estimate, they chose to not make one. Despite the recent improvements made in the estimation of the benefits and costs of gambling, this area of inquiry is still in its infancy. A very few studies have recently made large strides over the contributions of earlier studies, which generally focused only on the positive economic benefits or provided descriptions of the cost factors associated with pathological and problem gambling, but did not attempt to estimate the costs of gambling, much less the costs of pathological and problem gambling.

Still, benefit-cost analysis of pathological and problem gambling remains undeveloped. In most of the impact analyses of gambling and of pathological and problem gambling, the methods used are so inadequate as to invalidate the conclusions.

Researchers in this area have struggled with the absence of systematic data that could inform their analysis and consequently have substituted assumptions for the missing data. The assumptions adopted for specific studies were rarely examined or tested to ensure they were appropriate for the specific research being conducted.

There is always the risk that such assumptions and resulting estimates may reflect the bias of the analyst rather than the best-informed judgment. Critical estimates have been frequently taken from one study and haphazardly applied in different circumstances. Often, the costs and benefits were not properly identified so that things that should have been counted as costs or benefits were omitted and other things that should have been omitted were counted.

Even when these limitations were recognized by the authors, they were rarely acknowledged. Clearly there continues to be a need for more objective and extensive analysis of the economic impact that gambling has on the economy. Although the methodology to estimate the net positive effects is fairly well developed, substantial work needs to be done on the cost side.

It is especially important to focus on the effects that are associated with problem gambling. The task will not be easy and the effort will be costly and time-consuming. The Australian and Wisconsin research studies have set the stage for others by outlining the process that needs to be followed and by showing how such studies should proceed.

These studies do have their limitations, however. For example, more attention could have been focused on ensuring that the costs being estimated are real costs and not just transfers. But they provide a framework so that others can replicate their findings and to advance knowledge about the costs of problem gambling.

Other important issues remain unexplored. One issue is the question of how important the problem gambler is to the gambling industry's financial health. A casual look at the casino industry suggests that this is an industry with high fixed costs and very low marginal costs to serve an additional patron.

If that is indeed the industry's cost structure, then very little additional revenue can result in substantial increases in profits. By the same token, a small decrease in revenue can result in a substantial decrease in profits. Thus, even if problem gambling proves not to be very prevalent in aggregate terms, it could still have a substantial influence on industry profits.

Another unexplored issue is to what degree the findings on the economic impact of casino gambling apply to other forms of gambling. As this chapter indicates, most of the research deals with casinos.

We know little about the economic impact of other forms of gambling. Finally, few of the studies on the economic impact of gambling to date have appeared in peer-reviewed publications. Most have appeared as reports, chapters in books, or proceedings at conferences, and those few that have been subject to peer review have, for the most part, been descriptive pieces.

As this research evolves, it should be subjected to peer review to help ensure that it indeed is advancing the body of knowledge. The committee recognizes that the possibility of benefits deriving from pathological gambling are only theoretical and are neither described in the literature nor supported empirically.

The committee expresses special thanks to Lia Nower for her synthesis and written presentation of literature pertaining to the social costs of pathological gambling to individuals, families, communities, and society.

The committee thanks Kurt Zorn for his written synthesis, analysis, and presentation of the literature in the remainder of this chapter. The category of transfer is often referred to as pecuniary in the economics literature. The Indiana Gaming Commission used input-output models to compare and evaluate the competing applications for riverboat gambling licenses.

The committee thanks Rina Gupta for her investigation and written summary of state-level lottery and gambling commission reports. Because there is no specific multiplier for the gambling industry, the entertainment and recreation sector multiplier often is used as a proxy because gambling is contained in this Census Bureau category.

Hewings et al. The authors were careful to point out that their analysis dealt only with the benefit side of the equation. Problem gambling has been linked to these factors, and one would expect problem gambling to be on the rise in South Dakota due to the spread of legalized gambling.

Therefore a worsening in one or more of these factors may suggest that at least part of the costs are due to problem gambling. The reason for a lack of precision regarding whether this indeed is the first study of its type is attributable to information provided in another study, Study Concerning the Effects of Legalized Gambling on the Citizens of the State of Connecticut report prepared for the Division of Special Revenue, Department of Revenue Services, State of Connecticut, June This study refers to five noteworthy studies that have been conducted in this area: a study in Quebec, a study in Germany, a study in Illinois, a study in Australia, and a study in Wisconsin.

Only the last two studies were obtained by the committee, leading to uncertainty as to whether the Australian study is the first or one of the first studies to undertake this approach to the estimation of pathological gambling costs.

Because this study was conducted in Australia, the monetary amounts presumably are in Australian dollars.

The acute treatment incidence was based on reported suicide attempts, taken from the clinical database. The authors are quick to note that this estimate does not include any additional costs that may be incurred due to the need for additional services in the future.

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Show details National Research Council US Committee on the Social and Economic Impact of Pathological Gambling. Contents Hardcopy Version at National Academies Press. Search term. Costs to Individuals 2 As discussed in Chapter 2 , the definition of pathological gambling includes adverse consequences to the individual, such as involvement in crime, financial difficulties, and disruptions of interpersonal relations.

Financial Problems and Crime Financial losses pose the most immediate and compelling cost to the gambler in the throes of his or her disorder.

Issues and Challenges in Benefit-Cost Analyses of Gambling 3 A wide variety of economic techniques is available to assess the effects of new or expanded gambling activities. Real Versus Transfer Effects One of the biggest stumbling blocks in economic impact analysis is determining which effects are real and which are merely transfers.

Direct and Indirect Effects A casino will have both direct and indirect effects on an area's income and jobs. Tangible and Intangible Effects Both the direct and the indirect effects mentioned above are tangible, because they result in measurably more jobs and additional income being generated in the local economy.

Defining the Frame of Reference A central issue critical to all economic impact studies is the frame of reference for the analysis McMillen, Identifying and Measuring Costs: An Example of Unpaid Debt When one measures the economic effects of pathological and problem gambling Lesieur, , , , financial costs such as debt, insurance, medical, work-related, and criminal justice costs are fairly easy to measure.

Assessment of Studies Measuring the Costs and Benefits of Gambling 6 Although there are studies that purport to investigate the economic effects of gambling, few show the careful, thorough efforts that are needed to estimate the actual net effects of gambling on society, and therefore few have made a real contribution to understanding these issues e.

Gross Impact Studies Gross impact studies focus on a single aspect of economic effect. Descriptive Studies A second set of studies generally emphasizes description over analysis.

Balanced Measurement Studies Balanced measurement studies encompass a variety of economic impact analysis studies. Chicago Study This study assessed the effects that additional pathological gamblers would have on Chicago with the introduction of casino gambling.

National Assessment In a study that strays from traditional economic impact analysis, Grinols and Omorov attempted to determine, using benefit-cost analysis, whether improved access to casino gambling offsets the externality or spillover costs associated with pathological gambling.

South Dakota Study In a study that attempted to identify the benefits and costs associated with gambling, Madden looked at the socioeconomic costs of gambling in South Dakota.

Florida Study A Florida study of the effects of casino gambling represents an improvement in the identification and estimation of the benefits and costs of pathological and problem gambling Florida Office of Planning and Budgeting, Australian Study A significant improvement in the methodology used to identify and estimate the social costs of gambling, and specifically pathological and problem gambling, is found in a study conducted in Australia Dickerson et al.

Personal costs, which involve a transfer of money between different sectors of the economy, without impinging on economic activity such as the stock of debts owed by gamblers , are not included. prevalence was estimated either from the survey results or, where more appropriate, from the clinical databases available.

the team's professional judgment was used to decide whether the survey results or incidence from clinical databases were used as the basis for costings. the incidence of each impact was converted to annual cases per annum for the [New South Wales] adult population. costing assumptions were then sourced or estimated for each impact and applied to the prevalence data.

It should be added that we have been conservative in our costing assumptions, where data on which to base assumptions [have] not been readily available.

Wisconsin Study A second study that makes a significant contribution to the literature on the economic impacts of gambling is one that identifies and quantifies the social costs of gambling in the state of Wisconsin Thompson et al.

Conclusions Despite the recent improvements made in the estimation of the benefits and costs of gambling, this area of inquiry is still in its infancy. References Aasved, M.

Legalized gambling and its impacts in a central Minnesota vacation community: A case study. Journal of Gambling Studies 11 2 Aasved, M. Laundergan Gambling and its impacts in a Northeastern Minnesota community: An exploratory study.

Journal of Gambling Studies 9 4 Abbott, D. Cramer, and S. Sherrets Pathological gambling and the family: Practice implications. Families in Society 76 4 American Psychiatric Association DSM-IV: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders , 4th ed.

Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Association. Anders, G. The Indian Gaming Regulatory Act and Native American development.

International Policy Review 6 1 Estimating the Economic Impact of Indian Casino Gambling: A Case Study of the Fort McDowell Reservation. Reno: Institute for the Study of Gambling and Commercial Gaming , University of Nevada.

Bergh, C. Kuhlhorn Social, psychological and physical consequences of pathological gambling in Sweden. Journal of Gambling Studies 10 3 Bland, R. Newman, H. Orn, and G. Stebelsky Epidemiology of pathological gambling in Edmonton.

Canadian Journal of Psychology Blaszczysnki, A. McConaghy a Antisocial personality disorder and pathological gambling. Journal of Gambling Studies 10 2 b Criminal offenses in Gamblers Anonymous and hospital treated pathological gamblers. Blaszczynski, A. Silove Pathological gambling: Forensic issues.

Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry 30 3 Boreham, P. Dickerson, and B. Harley What are the social costs of gambling? The case of the Queensland machine gaming industry.

Australian Journal of Social Issues 31 4 Chadbourne, C. Walker, and M. Wolfe Gambling, Economic Development, and Historic Preservation. Chicago: American Planning Association. Cornell, S. Kalt, M. Krepps, and J. Taylor American Indian Gambling Policy and Its Socioeconomic Effects: A Report to the National Gambling Impact Study Commission.

Cambridge, MA: The Economics Resource Group, Inc. Cozzetto, D. The economic and social implications of Indian gambling: The case of Minnesota. American Indian Culture and Research Journal 19 1 Custer, R.

Custer Characteristics of the Recovering Compulsive Gambler: A Survey of Members of Gamblers Anonymous. Paper presented at the Fourth Annual Conference on Gambling , Reno, NV, December. Milt When Luck Runs Out. New York: Facts on File Publications. Dickerson, M. Allcock, A. Blaszczynski, B.

Nicholls, J. Williams, and R. Maddern An Examination of the Socioeconomic Effects of Gambling on Individuals, Families, and the Community Including Research into the Costs of Problem Gambling to New South Wales. Sydney: Australian Institute for Gambling Research.

Eadington, W. The casino gaming industry: A study of political economy. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science Fahrenkopf, F. Hearing on the Gambling Impact Study Commission , Committee on Governmental Affairs, U.

Senate, November 2. Washington, DC: U. Government Printing Office. Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Casino Development: How Would Casinos Affect New England's Economy? Proceedings of a Symposium Sponsored by the Federal Bank of Boston , June 1. Filby, M. Harvey Recreational betting: Everyday activity and strategies.

Leisure Studies 7 2 May Fisher, S. Governmental response to juvenile fruit machine gambling in the U. Journal of Gambling Studies 7 3 Florida Office of Planning and Budgeting The Anticipated Impact of Casino Gambling in Florida. Florida Bureau of Economic Analysis, Department of Commerce.

Tallahassee, FL: The Executive Office of the Governor. Frank, M. Lester, and A. Wexler Suicidal behavior among members of Gamblers Anonymous. Journal of Gambling Studies Goodman, R.

Legalized Gambling as a Strategy for Economic Development. Northampton, MA: United States Gambling Study. Gramlich, E.

The fundamental principle of benefit-cost analysis. Chapter 3. In A Guide to Benefit-Cost Analysis, Second Edition. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, Inc. Grinols, E. Incentives explain gambling's growth.

Forum for Applied Research and Public Policy 11 Summer Omorov Development or dreamfield illusions: Assessing casino gambling's costs and benefits. Hewings, G. Madden, editor. Social and Demographic Accounting. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Schindler, D. Anderson, and Y. Okuyama The Impact of Riverboat Casino Gambling on the Illinois Economy Report prepared for the Illinois Gaming Board. Champaign: University of Illinois.

Illinois Gaming Board The Economic and Fiscal Impacts of Riverboat Casino Gambling in Illinois. Phase One: Direct Impact Data, , J.

Johnson, M. Belletire, and D. O'Brien, authors. Springfield: Illinois Gaming Board. Ison, C. a Dead broke. Star Tribune , December 5, News section.

b Dead broke. Star Tribune , December 3, Jacobs, D. Marston, R. Singer, K. Widaman, et al. Children of problem gamblers. Special Issue: Gambling and the Family. Journal of Gambling Behavior 5 4 Winter Ladouceur, R. Boisvert, M. Pepin, M.

Loranger, and C. Sylvain Social costs of pathological gambling. Lesieur, H. Gambling, pathological gambling and crime. In The Handbook of Pathological Gambling , Thomas Galski, editor. Springfield, IL: Charles C. Experience of employee assistance programs with pathological gamblers.

Journal of Drug Issues 19 4 Compulsive gambling. Society 29 4 Costs and treatment of pathological gambling. Annals of the American Academy Anderson Results of a Survey of Gamblers Anonymous Members in Illinois.

Illinois Council on Problem and Compulsive Gambling. Blume Evaluation of patients treated for pathological gambling in a combined alcohol, substance abuse, and pathological gambling treatment unit using the Addiction Severity Index. British Journal of Addiction Klein Prisoners, gambling and crime.

Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Las Vegas, NV , April 2.

Institute for Problem Gambling, Middletown, CT. Rothschild Children of Gamblers Anonymous members. Journal of Gambling Behavior Livingston, J.

Compulsive Gamblers: Observations on Action and Abstinence. New York: Harper Torchbooks. Lorenz, V. Politzer, and R. Yaffee Social casino games, which are mostly free-to-play versions of online casino games, are also enjoying widespread popularity.

They offer the same user experience and gameplay as standard online casino games, but using a freemium model. Social casino games give users free daily bonus credits — e. When the player has run out of their daily bonus, they are unable to keep playing unless they pay for more credits.

These games may be integrated in social media, or published as standalone apps. Zynga, publisher of the hit social game Words with Friends, also has a line of social casino games that includes poker and slots. The two prime motivators for playing social casino games are entertainment and socialization.

Users like the fun and novelty of the experience, especially when it comes to connecting with other players via chat during gameplay. Another crucial aspect of social casino games that motivates players to stick to their device is the competitive element.

Whereas in standard casino games like slots, roulette, blackjack, or poker, players wager real money with the possibility of winning more of the same, in social casino games there is no option to withdraw, even when players pay for additional credits in-game.

There is no prize or jackpot: when players win, they receive additional spins or chips to play with. As we mentioned, social games are monetized through in-app purchases — players can pay cash to extend their playing sessions.

Many social casino operators use this as an opportunity for upselling. For example, players can be given the option to pay a certain amount for a certain number of credits — e. This makes the games freemium: free-to-play with the option of pay-to-play. Users might pick the game up on a free-to-play basis and then decide to pay to keep the fun going.

This is a very simple way for game developers to monetize on the human tendency to pursue instant gratification. Social casino games often allow for increased player interaction, something that is growing in appeal in the increasingly connected digital age. Players search out both their friends and their rivals and develop strategies against each other by deriving lessons from their playing histories together.

The social element is critical. It is one of the most in-demand aspects of contemporary online life, with internet users becoming more and more aware that sometimes the world wide web can create as much isolation as it does connection.

As social gaming is primarily a method of connecting with other internet users, one big lesson that operators can take away from studying the phenomenon is that players respond very positively to enhanced sociability. This insight is confirmed by the explosion in popularity of live dealer games , where players can chat and connect with other players, as well as interacting with a dealer.

The process of signing up and making a real-money deposit on an online casino can be intimidating, and social casino games provide a nearly identical entertainment experience without the same level of commitment.

This could potentially be used as a form of cross-selling to drive social gamers towards real-money online casinos. Social casino gaming also has a particular appeal in markets where online casino gambling is prohibited by law.

In Australia, for example, major iGaming operators offer modified versions of their online casinos — minus withdrawals to mimic the legal social casino gaming experience. This allows them to legally generate revenues in a closed market without having to build a product from scratch.

In a report on social gaming, the United Kingdom Gambling Commission UKGC came to the conclusion that social gaming does not pose any significant societal risk regarding harmful behaviors commonly associated with gambling such as problem gambling and underage gambling. The UKGC made it clear in a statement that social casino games would not be subject to regulation, provided operators demonstrated social responsibility.

The most commonly-cited demographic profile of a social casino gamer is a female in her mids. This distribution mimics that of gambling , where high rollers account for a massive portion of the revenues. Revenues from social casino gaming have been growing steadily for over half a decade.

Boosted by lockdowns, in social gaming raked in around half a billion dollars more than expected. Projections for suggest a minor GGR decline before a resumption of growth in , but the return of lockdowns in late might reveal these estimates to be conservative. The second biggest market for social gaming is Oceania, with Australia alone experiencing a 4.

Social casino games are mostly free-to-play games that imitate the gambling experience without offering a real cash payout. These gamers play exclusively Social Casinos are online services that host games to simulate gambling activities like slots and table games. However, unlike regular casinos Social gaming (entertainment that does not require consideration, be a game of skill or does not offer a prize) and social gaming regulations

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Sidelines Group provides sports betting and casino content to MLive, including game predictions, odds, analysis, and sportsbook and casino reviews to educate bettors. Please bet responsibly. If you have a gambling problem and are located in Michigan, call GAMBLER or or you can visit the Michigan Gaming Control Board's website.

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The Florida Panthers take on the Edmonton Oilers at Rogers Place on Saturday, December 16th, at PM EST. Moneyline Pick. The Los Angeles Kings take on the Seattle Kraken at Climate Pledge Arena on Saturday, December 16th, at PM EST.

Puck Line Pick. The Tampa Bay Lightning take on the Calgary Flames at Scotiabank Saddledome on Saturday, December 16th, at PM EST. The Buffalo Sabres take on the Arizona Coyotes at Mullett Arena on Saturday, December 16th, at PM EST. Player Prop. Connor McDavid - Total Points.

Nazem Kadri - To Score a Goal. Clayton Keller - Total Shots on Goal. The Buffalo Sabres take on the Arizona Coyotes at Mullett Arena, December 16th at PM EDT. Adrian Kempe - Total Shots on Goal. The Los Angeles Kings take on the Seattle Kraken at Climate Pledge Arena, December 16th at PM EDT.

The Minnesota Wild take on the St. Louis Blues at Enterprise Center on Saturday, March 2nd, at PM EST. The Edmonton Oilers take on the Seattle Kraken at Climate Pledge Arena on Saturday, March 2nd, at PM EST. Red Wings. The Florida Panthers take on the Detroit Red Wings at Little Caesars Arena on Saturday, March 2nd, at PM EST.

The Colorado Avalanche take on the Nashville Predators at Bridgestone Arena on Saturday, March 2nd, at PM EST. Maple Leafs. The New York Rangers take on the Toronto Maple Leafs at Scotiabank Arena on Saturday, March 2nd, at PM EST.

The Montreal Canadiens take on the Tampa Bay Lightning at Amalie Arena on Saturday, March 2nd, at PM EST. The Ottawa Senators take on the Philadelphia Flyers at Wells Fargo Center on Saturday, March 2nd, at PM EST. Golden Knights. The Vegas Golden Knights take on the Buffalo Sabres at KeyBank Center on Saturday, March 2nd, at PM EST.

The Boston Bruins take on the New York Islanders at UBS Arena on Saturday, March 2nd, at PM EST. Blue Jackets. The Columbus Blue Jackets take on the Chicago Blackhawks at United Center on Saturday, March 2nd, at PM EST. The San Jose Sharks take on the Dallas Stars at American Airlines Center on Saturday, March 2nd, at PM EST.

The Pittsburgh Penguins take on the Calgary Flames at Scotiabank Saddledome on Saturday, March 2nd, at PM EST. The Atlanta Hawks take on the Brooklyn Nets at Barclays Center on Saturday, March 2nd, at PM EST. The Utah Jazz take on the Miami Heat at Kaseya Center on Saturday, March 2nd, at PM EST.

Point Spread Pick. The Houston Rockets take on the Phoenix Suns at Footprint Center on Saturday, March 2nd, at PM EST. Trail Blazers. The Portland Trail Blazers take on the Memphis Grizzlies at FedExForum on Saturday, March 2nd, at PM EST.

The Denver Nuggets take on the Los Angeles Lakers at Crypto. com Arena on Saturday, March 2nd, at PM EST. The Oregon Ducks take on the Arizona Wildcats at McKale Center on Saturday, March 2nd, at PM EST. The Arkansas Razorbacks take on the Kentucky Wildcats at Rupp Arena on Saturday, March 2nd, at PM EST.

The Marquette Golden Eagles take on the Creighton Bluejays at CHI Health Center Omaha on Saturday, March 2nd, at PM EST. Mississippi State. The Mississippi State Bulldogs take on the Auburn Tigers at Neville Arena on Saturday, March 2nd, at PM EST.

North Carolina State. North Carolina. The North Carolina State Wolfpack take on the North Carolina Tar Heels at Dean E. Smith Center on Saturday, March 2nd, at PM EST.

South Florida. The South Florida Bulls take on the Charlotte 49ers at Halton Arena on Saturday, March 2nd, at PM EST. Iowa State. The Iowa State Cyclones take on the UCF Knights at Addition Financial Arena on Saturday, March 2nd, at PM EST.

The Virginia Cavaliers take on the Duke Blue Devils at Cameron Indoor Stadium on Saturday, March 2nd, at PM EST. George Mason. The Duquesne Dukes take on the George Mason Patriots at EagleBank Arena on Saturday, March 2nd, at PM EST. George Washington.

La Salle. The George Washington Revolutionaries take on the La Salle Explorers at Tom Gola Arena on Saturday, March 2nd, at PM EST. The Toledo Rockets take on the Buffalo Bulls at Alumni Arena on Saturday, March 2nd, at PM EST.

Western Michigan. Ball State. The Western Michigan Broncos take on the Ball State Cardinals at Worthen Arena on Saturday, March 2nd, at PM EST.

The Mercer Bears take on the Furman Paladins at Timmons Arena on Saturday, March 2nd, at PM EST. Western Carolina. The Western Carolina Catamounts take on the Chattanooga Mocs at McKenzie Arena on Saturday, March 2nd, at PM EST.

The Towson Tigers take on the UNCW Seahawks at Trask Coliseum on Saturday, March 2nd, at PM EST. The Hofstra Pride take on the Charleston Cougars at TD Arena on Saturday, March 2nd, at PM EST. Oklahoma State. The Oklahoma State Cowboys take on the Texas Longhorns at Moody Center on Saturday, March 2nd, at PM EST.

The Massachusetts Minutemen take on the Davidson Wildcats at John M. Belk Arena on Saturday, March 2nd, at PM EST.

The Citadel Bulldogs take on the Samford Bulldogs at Pete Hanna Center on Saturday, March 2nd, at PM EST. The UTSA Roadrunners take on the SMU Mustangs at Moody Coliseum on Saturday, March 2nd, at PM EST.

Penn State. The Penn State Nittany Lions take on the Minnesota Golden Gophers at Williams Arena on Saturday, March 2nd, at PM EST. The LSU Tigers take on the Vanderbilt Commodores at Memorial Gymnasium TN on Saturday, March 2nd, at PM EST. Central Michigan. Kent State. The Central Michigan Chippewas take on the Kent State Golden Flashes at MAC Center on Saturday, March 2nd, at PM EST.

Saint Louis. Rhode Island. The Saint Louis Billikens take on the Rhode Island Rams at Ryan Center on Saturday, March 2nd, at PM EST. East Tennessee State. The UNCG Spartans take on the East Tennessee State Buccaneers at Freedom Hall Civic Center on Saturday, March 2nd, at PM EST. UT Arlington.

Utah Valley. The UT Arlington Mavericks take on the Utah Valley Wolverines at UCCU Center on Saturday, March 2nd, at PM EST. Northern Arizona. Weber State. The Northern Arizona Lumberjacks take on the Weber State Wildcats at Dee Events Center on Saturday, March 2nd, at PM EST.

Stony Brook. The Delaware Fightin' Blue Hens take on the Stony Brook Seawolves at Island FCU Arena on Saturday, March 2nd, at PM EST. The Northeastern Huskies take on the Drexel Dragons at Daskalakis Athletic Center on Saturday, March 2nd, at PM EST.

Colorado State. The Wyoming Cowboys take on the Colorado State Rams at Moby Arena on Saturday, March 2nd, at PM EST. The USC Trojans take on the Washington Huskies at Alaska Airlines Arena on Saturday, March 2nd, at PM EST.

Tennessee State. UT Martin. The Tennessee State Tigers take on the UT Martin Skyhawks at Kathleen and Tom Elam Center on Saturday, March 2nd, at PM EST. Western Illinois. The SIUE Cougars take on the Western Illinois Leathernecks at Western Hall on Saturday, March 2nd, at PM EST. The Montana Grizzlies take on the Idaho Vandals at ICCU Arena on Saturday, March 2nd, at PM EST.

New Mexico State. Jacksonville State. The New Mexico State Aggies take on the Jacksonville State Gamecocks at Pete Mathews Coliseum on Saturday, March 2nd, at PM EST. Portland State.

Sacramento State. The Portland State Vikings take on the Sacramento State Hornets at The Hornets Nest on Saturday, March 2nd, at PM EST. The Iowa Hawkeyes take on the Northwestern Wildcats at Welsh-Ryan Arena on Saturday, March 2nd, at PM EST.

Green Bay. The Green Bay Phoenix take on the Milwaukee Panthers at UW-Milwaukee Panther Arena on Saturday, March 2nd, at PM EST. Wake Forest. Virginia Tech. The Wake Forest Demon Deacons take on the Virginia Tech Hokies at Cassell Coliseum on Saturday, March 2nd, at PM EST.

Western Kentucky. The Western Kentucky Hilltoppers take on the FIU Golden Panthers at Ocean Bank Convocation Center on Saturday, March 2nd, at PM EST. Texas Tech. West Virginia.

The Texas Tech Red Raiders take on the West Virginia Mountaineers at WVU Coliseum on Saturday, March 2nd, at PM EST.

Montana State. Eastern Washington. The Montana State Bobcats take on the Eastern Washington Eagles at Reese Court on Saturday, March 2nd, at PM EST. Merrimack College.

Sacred Heart. The Merrimack College Warriors take on the Sacred Heart Pioneers at William H. Pitt Center on Saturday, March 2nd, at PM EST. Morehead State. The Lindenwood Lions take on the Morehead State Eagles at Ellis T.

Johnson Arena on Saturday, March 2nd, at PM EST. Tennessee Tech. Little Rock. The Tennessee Tech Golden Eagles take on the Little Rock Trojans at Jack Stephens Center on Saturday, March 2nd, at PM EST.

Northern Illinois. The Northern Illinois Huskies take on the Akron Zips at James A. Supreme Court struck down the federal ban on sports wagering, PASPA , in May There are now multiple licensed mobile betting apps in most US states, including Arizona , Arkansas , Colorado , Connecticut , Illinois , Iowa , Indiana , Kansas , Kentucky, Louisiana , Massachusetts , Michigan , Maryland , New Jersey, New York , Ohio , Pennsylvania, Tennessee , Virginia , and West Virginia , with more on the way.

North Carolina sports betting looks like it will be next to join the party on March 11, , with several North Carolina betting apps already confirmed. North Carolina betting promos will debut on March 1.

However, the number of legal sportsbook apps varies widely from state to state, depending on how the state legislature and regulators decided to shape their laws and the rules. While most states feature an open market with multiple books, others are limited to one, such as in New Hampshire, where only DraftKings operates.

Nevertheless, regardless of the states they are active in, the apps are quite different and many of them are worth your time and action. Competition is good for us, the sports betting consumer, so let them push each other to innovate and improve.

If you are left with any questions regarding mobile sports betting apps or betting in the U. in general, we have prepared this short FAQ section below. Online sports betting is currently offered in more than 25 states. Online sportsbooks usually offer the same number of betting markets across desktop and mobile.

Some of the most popular sports for US bettors include basketball NBA and college , football NFL , baseball MLB , hockey NHL , Soccer MLS , NASCAR, MMA, boxing, golf , and tennis. FanDuel Sportsbook. While you may prefer another, FanDuel takes the cake for us. You can download them all and use them all to find the ones that you like best.

Plus, there are benefits to having multiple apps. There will inevitably be discrepancies in pricing within the us betting space. American sportsbooks offer a variety of different betting types.

The number of betting types offered will largely depend on individual sports betting app, however, catalogs are usually pretty consistent. Even if you signed up and downloaded the app while in a legal state, if you are not physically located in a state that has legalized mobile sportsbook apps, then you cannot wager.

Your mobile device contains data about your location. Legal sportsbook apps use the data to track whether you are within the state borders and limit the service accordingly. You will be able to access your sportsbook app from any location.

You can still use the app though to make deposits and withdrawals, check lines, sweat bets, and more. Operators often issue app updates that contain new features, including bug and security fixes.

While some will require you to use the latest version of the app. It is always a good idea to keep apps up to date to avoid potential exploits. You most definitely can. Sports betting mobile apps will usually give users full control over their account management.

This includes banking, i. making deposits and withdrawing funds. How do the standard, daily betting odds stack up between the most popular betting apps?

Every day we take one specific game and show you how the prices are reflected across several high profile apps. Keep in mind that these odds are subject to change. Odds from DraftKings , FanDuel , and BetMGM Sportsbook and are subject to change. A mobile sports betting app is an app provided by online sports betting operators to allow for betting on-the-go.

This is a dedicated application that is optimized entirely to deliver a positive betting experience. The operators usually make their apps available for iOS and Android, the two dominant mobile operating systems. This means that users can sign up for an account, place bets, make a deposit or withdraw funds and participate in promotional offers.

If the operators support live streaming, they will usually also provide it through their sports betting apps. A mobile sportsbook app is simply another way of accessing an online sportsbook. Being that they are developed for mobile devices, mobile sportsbooks can offer some advantages.

These include notifying users about the latest results and the status of their bets, keeping them up to date with the latest offers and providing easy access to account management and banking. Online sportsbook websites are also often optimized for easy access through both desktop and mobile browsers.

We highly recommend using a sports betting app though. These can include bonus bets, betting insurance, boosted odds, profit boosts, etc. This means that users will have full access to every promotional offer the sportsbook has if they sign up and access the sportsbook on mobile. As we have already mentioned, operators usually release sportsbook apps on two major mobile platforms — iOS and Android.

This comes down to the different policies Apple and Google have towards online betting. Apple has traditionally had a more lax attitude towards online betting and gambling apps on its platform. This is why you can find and download online sportsbook apps just by searching for them on the iOS App Store.

Once you download and install the betting app, you can simply log in with your credentials, or open a new account and start using it if you are a new customer. Betting apps have only recently been allowed on the Google Play Store. This is no longer an issue, as most sports betting apps are listed on Google Play.

Once the download is complete, they should open the file. After the setting is enabled, the installation should proceed as normal. These are some of the major advantages of using a sportsbook app as opposed to betting on desktop using one of the best sports betting websites :.

Brett Smiley was a co-founder of Sports Handle, which joined forces with the US Bets team in November He focused on the sports betting industry and legislation. He's a recreational sports bettor and DFS player himself, focusing on the NFL. In a past life, Smiley practiced commercial litigation in New York City and previously wrote for FOX Sports and SI.

He lives in New Jersey with his family. This site contains commercial content. The 12 Best Mobile Sports Betting Apps In The US. by Brett Smiley. Is sports betting legal in my state?

What sports can I wager on using a sports betting app? What is the best online sports betting app? Can I download more than one sports betting app?

Can I place all types of bets using a sportsbook mobile app? Can I make bets on my sportsbook app if I'm in a non-legal state?

How will the mobile sportsbook app know if I am located in a specific state? Can I access the sportsbook if I am located in another state? Will I need to update the best betting app s? Can I make a deposit or withdrawal when using the app?

Advantages of mobile sportsbook apps These are some of the major advantages of using a sportsbook app as opposed to betting on desktop using one of the best sports betting websites : Accessibility — This is by far one of the main advantages mobile sportsbook apps have over desktop.

App users can bet regardless of where they are, as long as they have internet access or data connection. Convenience — Betting apps give users around the clock insight into their account and allow them to make changes, place bets and tune in to live streams at all times.

User experience — Being that betting apps are designed specifically for mobile use, the entire experience has been catered that way. All necessary functions within your sportsbook app are available with a few swipes of a finger.

Unlike using a mobile browser, your betting app is made to work on your phone. Brett Smiley Brett Smiley was a co-founder of Sports Handle, which joined forces with the US Bets team in November Share Tweet Share.

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