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The atmosphere this afternoon was friendly, people in small knots of conversation and laughter. I enjoyed it a lot. Next stop: the Kellogg Elks Club for Friday night burgers.

Those burgers are perfect for me. They are just the right size, not too big, and taste fresh. We saw other people at the Elks -- Jake and Carol Lee were in the house and so were Tim and Cindy. In fact, Cindy alerted me to the fact that DFO did, indeed, include my CdA driving story in his Huckleberries column.

We joined Jake, Carol Lee, Tim, Cindy, Eileen, and DJ at a table and enjoyed the good vibes in The Lounge. It was a mellow evening. It's possible the cold temperatures and snow-packed streets kept people home -- hard to say. But size doesn't matter at The Lounge. We were in the company of cheerful people and had a great time.

I think it was on Monday. Bill Davie posted on Facebook that he was going to perform, almost out of the blue, a Treehouse Concert on Tuesday, on December 14th.

Bill's been on a hiatus from performing. He took time away to focus on writing, hoping some new songs would arise within him, and on continuing to seek relief from the chronic pain he suffers in his back.

On Monday I think , though, he picked up his guitar named Woody and playing his guitar felt really good and pretty much on the spur of the moment, he announced that he'd be live on Facebook on Tuesday. I jumped on his livestream and Bill looked stoked. He was happy that he had a set of songs ready to go, but even more, he was happy to have so many virtual listeners, many of us longtime friends, back in the Tree House.

Bill got underway with one of his classic tunes, "Learn to Say Goodbye" and played a stirring set of everyone's favorites, including "The Only Magic I Know", "The Lone Ranger in the Moon" and others.

He read inventive and unsettling poetry by Gregory Orr. Snow fell most of the day today in Kellogg. I'm glad I didn't have anywhere to go on I where a semi jackknifed and cars slid off the road, bringing traffic to a standstill at times.

All I had to do was shovel snow. Three times? Four times? I'm not sure. I do know this: by shoveling more frequently, I save myself and my back from the strain of shoveling deeper snow. I went to bed earlier than usual and listened to Episode 4 of Slate's podcast, One Year: First, it covered the media nuttiness that broke out when Elvis Presley died, with special focus on The National Enquirer 's mission to obtain a photograph of Presley in his open casket at Graceland.

In case you've forgotten, the Enquirer was successful. Second, it was on August 16, that a Federal District Court ruled in 16 year old Deborah Lipp's favor that a New Jersey law compelling her to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance in her public school classroom was unconstitutional.

For refusing to get up from her desk and stand for the Pledge, Deborah Lipp was harassed, threatened, bullyragged, and demeaned.

This part of Episode 4 features Deborah Lipp as a 60 year old looking back on all the torment she endured for asserting what she saw as an assertio of her right to free speech.

The third part of this episode looked at how on August 16, , astronomers in Ohio received a signal that just possibly was sent by intelligent life in another part of the universe.

Verifying that it came from extraterrestrials was impossible, but in a year that brought both Star Wars and Close Encounters of the Third Kind to our nation's movie screens, the story was a compelling one. Those interviewed in , looking back on this momentous occasion in , were fascinating as they addressed the question of whether intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe and, if it does, what that signal to Earth might have been trying to communicate to us.

Our Christmas tree is up and decorated. Debbie Illuminated the tree with purple lights and festooned it with candy canes, ornaments she made here at home, and a Christmas card. Don't expect to see our tree featured on a Hallmark advertisement, but, if you were in our living room, you could expect it to bring light to this ever darkening time of year.

I like that. At Saturday's Celebration of Life memorializing Ron Frase, I learned that Ron Frase was an avid letter writer. I don't know if I'll ever be an avid letter writer, but today I followed Ron Frase's example and penned a card and a letter and I have more in mind to compose.

I don't know if, in their younger days, Copper and Luna liked to run around the house, pull down ornaments off of a Christmas tree, play Bowl-a-Rama in the middle of the night, or be hyperactive in any way. Well, if they did, those days are gone. They are older cats now and spend most of their time resting and sleeping.

This is good since they can't be in the living room with Gibbs -- Gibbs upsets them by hassling them, barking at them to play -- and spent much of the day in either the bedroom or Vizio room.

I spend time with them during the day and they are calm and secure. Copper, especially, seems to feel more secure these days than in the past.

When Debbie and Gibbs go upstairs at night, we open the bedroom and the Vizio room doors and Copper and Luna are free to sashay around the house.

Sometimes Copper likes to lie under an end table, a place he enjoyed during the day before Gibbs joined us. Luna goes back and forth between a little bit of roaming and positioning herself near my neck in bed. Luna wakes me up for wet food, sometimes at 3 a.

Both Copper and Luna seem to enjoy having this early morning feeding in the kitchen. There's a pretty good balance at work with Gibbs, Copper, and Luna. Gibbs is young, more rambunctious, and can exercise his youth during the day in the living room. Fortunately, Luna and Copper are not rambunctious and instead of spending time lounging and sleeping on chairs or on the rug in the living room, they lounge and sleep on the bed, in my closet, or on a chair or on the rug in the Vizio room.

I blasted over the clear, bare Fourth of July Pass today and completed my two days in row travel package to Coeur d'Alene. Robin cut my hair at Supercuts. Robin lives in Pinehurst -- she also grew up there -- and she told me some pretty hairy stories about her winter commute to and from CdA over the years.

Not only that, Robin gave me a good looking haircut and did it efficiently. I then had a great time at Costco where I picked up a few things. I enjoy walking the aisles at Costco, especially if quite a few people are there. I enjoy smiling at people and imagining what they are going to do with the stuff in their carts.

Today, I imagined Christmas parties, restaurants full of people being served I think I saw a guy from Capone's buying stuff for their eateries , church dinners, and holiday celebrations in people's homes. My enjoyment was similar to driving in CdA. Yes, a lot of people were out, but they were just doing their different things, no nastiness, no crazy behavior, no real signs of impatience, and I liked being in the company of my fellow humans, on the road and in the store.

After I left Costco, Byrdman and I met at Paragon. I love Paragon, especially in the early afternoon. It's a quiet time. I yakked with the woman who owns the place about their beer.

It was easy to have conversation with Byrdman and with a couple or three people sitting at the bar with us. Byrdman and I hadn't had a chance to discuss this year's awesome college basketball season in person yet, and we engaged in a comprehensive rundown of teams, players, and surprising games.

We agreed that we don't know what to expect when January rolls around and teams enter into the teeth of conference play. I'd say we will simply expect the unexpected. In the last year or two, Paragon began brewing their own beer and I hadn't been there since their tap list was almost exclusively brewed on site.

They had one guest tap. I decided to continue my efforts to SAVE THE PORTER and drank a pint of East Portal Porter.

It was the mildest porter I've drunk in, well, in decades -- since , the last time I drank Porter in England. East Portal Porter is an English style porter, with a thinner mouthfeel and less aggressive flavors. Its abv was also moderate and, if I'd been close to home, I could have imagined quaffing a bunch of these mild porters and had myself a real SAVE THE PORTER session.

I didn't do that because I love Paragon's English style IPA, the mild and biscuit-y Idabow IPA. I'd drunk a couple or three of these a while back at Outpost in CdA and was very happy that it's a regular offering at Paragon. I ordered a Pubburger and fries and enjoyed a pint and a half of Idabow and, to my dismay, decided I needed to end this awesome session with Byrdman.

I had a stop to make at Pilgrim's and I wanted to arrive home either before dark or not long after. Debbie and I made a quick trip to Coeur d'Alene. While she got a haircut, I enjoyed driving around Coeur d'Alene. I filled the Sube with gas at Costco, bought a Christmas tree stand at Lowe's, and ordered a buttery cinnamon cookie and a latte at Bear Paw Cookies at Riverstone, near the salon.

Debbie joined me. I shared my cookie. Debbie asked me to drive her out to Michael's and I gladly agreed. At the intersection of Hanley and Government Way, the traffic light was busted.

The intersection was busting at its seams with traffic. I loved that every single driver knew what to do. Calmly we all switched our thinking and treated the intersection as a four-way stop.

No honking. No impatience. Nothing crazy. I had to make a left hand turn and when it was my turn to go, I waved a thank you to all the other cars, grateful that we were all cooperating, not allowing the potential chaos that could have broken out to happen.

Back home, Debbie and I worked together and put up our Christmas tree. We tried to remember when we last put a tree up together and Debbie thinks it was eleven or twelve years ago in Eugene. I couldn't remember one way or another, but that sounded about right.

Tonight our family gathered at Carol and Paul's for dinner together. We started the evening with crackers and a bleu cheese spread that Carol made accompanied by Paul's mulled wine.

For dinner, Carol cooked up an awesome beef stroganoff over egg noodles, I brought green beans with lemon butter and slivered almonds, and Debbie contributed a marinated cauliflower salad. Christy baked a superb meatless mince meat pie featuring pears and apples and a superb crust.

I had fun pretend bragging like I had done a heroic thing by enjoying driving in CdA because it's common in the Silver Valley for people to complain about how crazy it is driving there.

I also pretended like my left hand turn with the traffic lights not working was heroic as well as was the fact that I went to Lowe's and overcame the least helpful customer service person in the entire Lowe's corporation and found a Christmas tree stand!

I hope no one thought I was being serious as I repeated this joke about the "heroic" things I did today. I don't know the coaching assignments for the Baylor Bears' men's basketball team, but someone on that staff, along with the head coach, Scott Drew, has earned the total commitment of this team to playing suffocating, paralyzing defense.

You might remember Baylor's defensive effort last April when the Bears defeated the Zags in the NCAA Championship game. I thought back then that Baylor's defense discombobulated Gonzaga, broke their spirit, made a usually quick and crisp team look slow and tentative. Four players left that championship Baylor team, but against Villanova today, this year's version of the Baylor Bears looked equally, maybe even more, devastating on defense.

Villanova simply could not get an open shot. If they did, they rushed it and missed shots from distance as well as right at the tin. At times, as Villanova tried and tried to find any breathing room on offense, I thought they looked like they were playing underwater.

They looked overwhelmed, unsure of how to attack Baylor, and, as a result, Villanova got clobbered, , the first time since that a Villanova team failed to score 40 points. Today the Westminster Study Group met on the Zoom machine and we had a superb turnout: Bill, Diane, Val, Colette, Bridgit, and I were all present.

We talked about a wide variety of topics, ranging from copyright laws, extending comfort to those suffering from illness and pain, the chill of virtue in some "it's God's will" Christians when they minister to suffering with bromides and bloodless reassurances, reassurances that it's in God's hands, and other topics, including how Val and Colette's graduate studies are progressing.

I'm in my late sixties. I lived for many many years in Eugene, OR and didn't have to drive on snowy roads very often. Likewise, I didn't drive on many wintry roads when living in Greenbelt, Maryland. So, now, living back in North Idaho, I'm much more cautious about driving in wintry conditions than I was back in my late teens and 20s and I am much less brash about my winter driving skills.

So, this morning, being right in the middle of a three day winter storm advisory, I was unsure whether I would drive out to Whitworth University to attend the celebration of Dr. Ron Frase's life. Most of the precipitation in the valley was rain.

Winds gusted. About half way up the 4th of July Pass heavy snow fell. The state required truckers to chain up. So, I joined the other drivers on the pass in a steady crawl over the top of the pass.

All of us were traveling at about the same speed. No one got crazy. It worked out well. About half way down the pass, the snowfall turned into rain and, for the rest of my drive, the roads were wet.

Wind gusted. The driving conditions were benign and I arrived at Whitworth about twenty minutes ahead of the today's service in the Whitworth Chapel. I didn't have a personal relationship with Ron Frase.

Nonetheless, Ron Frase loomed large in my life while I was a student and an instructor at Whitworth and in the years that followed. He loomed large as an exemplar of the life of a Christian scholar who took his learning into the world and lived a life of letters and ministry on behalf of those living in poverty and oppression.

After I left Spokane and Whitworth in , Ron Frase never left me. Repeatedly over the years, whether in conversation and correspondence with fellow Whitworthian Deborah Gridley or in my friendship with Jeff Steve and Deb Akers or as I roam around Facebook and read testimonies by Ron's peers, his past students, or by participants in Central American tours, Ron Frase's legacy consistently comes up: his drive to resist injustice coupled with his passion on behalf of justice, his generous hospitality, and his encouraging counsel.

He looms large. Over the years, in my mind, heart, and soul, Ron Frase has epitomized what I most loved and love about my years at Whitworth and the way my experience there has shaped my life. All of that and more stirred within me during and after yesterday's service.

For me, being back in the chapel, listening to Rev. Scott Starbuck and Drs. Michael Le Roy and Michael Barram, all Whitworth alums, eulogize Ron not only deepened my respect for Ron Frase and helped me understand his life more fully, the experience also became for me a celebration of Whitworth.

During the service and as I drove home and as I had some time alone in the house, I was overwhelmed with gratitude. People came to mind. I relived some painful feelings I wish I didn't have, but I can't get around the fact that those two years when I taught full time at Whitworth were painful years.

Divorce and eventual annulment left me lost, confused, and aggrieved. I'm ashamed of many of the ways I behaved but, overall, proud of the work I did. But, there were steadying influences.

Even though we rarely conversed, Ron was one of them, just by his presence and with the vitality he brought to his work as Whitworth's chaplain. The service's slide show showed Ron in pictures with other steadying influences: Jim and Linda Hunt, Phil Eaton, Lorraine Robertson, Don Liebert, Dick Ferrin, Bruce Murphy and others.

I doubt they know how torn up I was nor would they know how much I leaned on their presence -- and sometimes our work together -- in my efforts to find some equilibrium. During the service, an attendee had a seizure. Friends called Paramedics arrived. The service stopped. The reception got underway with an understanding that the service would resume a bit later, followed by a more informal time in the sanctuary when Ron's brother, Wayne, Jim and Linda Hunt, and Rev.

Susan Schilperoort would speak and Rev. Pamela Starbuck would read a message from Dr. Edward Miller. If it was stormy on the 4th of July Pass in the afternoon, I wanted to drive over the pass in daylight.

Leaving when I did meant that I didn't talk to anyone at the service and that I'm not really sure who was there that I knew. I saw Jim and Linda Hunt from afar, but didn't see anyone else, largely because of the limited view I had from where I sat in the chapel.

It turned out that I traveled back to Kellogg at an opportune time. Snowfall did not return. The roads were wet, but easy to drive on.

I returned home safely with my head and heart full of thoughts and feelings about Ron Frase, Whitworth University, and the many superb people I've known over the years thanks to having attended and worked there.

Back home, my head was a abuzz and my heart was bursting with thoughts and memories about my studies and work at Whitworth and the many many people to whom I owe much gratitude. I watched a bruising and tight basketball game between Houston and Alabama Alabama prevailed, We talked about the differing demographics of Eugene, Greenbelt, and North Idaho as a way of looking at the variety in the places we've lived.

The differences are fascinating. They've kept our life together challenging and stimulating and helped us be more and more accepting of the different ways people see the world and live their lives. I hopped out of bed first thing this morning and shoveled snow, took the not-winter tires out of the Sube and put them in the garage, and hustled over to Yoke's to buy coffee filters and some club soda.

For my efforts, I rewarded myself with two raised doughnuts -- one with chocolate frosting and the other a sugar doughnut. I used to eat way too many doughnuts when I taught at LCC. Now I rarely eat them.

and Bunker Ave in Kellogg. As a favor to his son-in-law, Garren Taylor the food truck's proprietor , Ed was delivering food to a party out on West Lancaster just off of Highway 95, north of Hayden. I helped him find our destination and helped Ed and the hosts of the dinner party carry in the food and set it up.

I returned home, fed Luna and Copper, and dashed up to The Lounge and met back up with Ed. For me, it was a short stay at The Lounge.

I helped SAVE THE PORTER by drinking a couple of slow pints of Pulaski Porter, drank some club soda, reconnected with Debbie -- who had been with Diane at Radio -- and went home for some chowder and crackers.

I told Debbie I'd come back uptown and give Diane and her a ride home and I did so. Debbie and Diane had, in their words, "a fantastic time" at The Lounge. One of the really fun results of Debbie's Bandcamp page going up has been seeing Debbie getting notes and comments from people expressing their love of her music, her honesty, and her talent.

Some people from deep in Debbie's past have reached out to her, as well as people she and we are current with today. If you are curious and would like to listen to some songs, Debbie's Bandcamp page is right here.

I met David Hanson, PA, for the first time today when I completed my annual Medicare Wellness Exam. He's an engaged, energetic, dedicated professional. I enjoyed our conversations and was very happy that, on the one hand, he recognized that I live with slowly failing kidneys, and on the other hand, he determined that my overall health is very good.

My EKG results were strong. My heart and lungs sounded good. My ankles and lower legs are not swelling. My blood pressure was about perfect. All that remains to complete this exam is some blood work and David Hanson had no problem having me wait until February to have it done so that it coincides with the bloodwork I have done every three weeks for Dr.

Bieber, my kidney doctor. I left the clinic very happy. It was a bit after and I hadn't done my part for several days to SAVE THE PORTER, so I slid into Radio Brewing and enjoyed a pint.

I stayed with dark ale and capped off my short visit with a 10 oz pour of Oatmeal Stout, a smooth and pleasing way to relax after being examined, my relaxation enhanced by the Blink station playing on Pandora over the house music system. I returned home full of s music and later in the evening played one of my favorite songs from nearly thirty years ago: Luna's "California All the Way ".

I wish right now some of my students from years ago were reading that I played that song today and that they, like me, would recall the fun we had watching the short film Family Tree in class.

It featured Luna's song and was a fun part of my WR syllabus for a time. I have several quarts of stock I've made over the last few years from Elks Crab Feed shells in the basement freezer and I brought a couple upstairs this morning to thaw. Later this afternoon, I made chowder, guided by my no recipes recipe book.

I chopped up and salted and peppered yellow onion, red potato, and carrots and sautéed them with some smoked paprika in a generous barely bubbling pool of melted butter.

Once the onion was translucent, I covered it with crab stock, brought it to a barely bubbling boil and let it simmer for a while until the potatoes and carrots were tender. I then added a few splashes of heavy whipping cream and some pieces of shrimp, let it heat up a bit more, and, presto!

Within myself, I uttered a word or two of thanks to Harley and Candy for all of their work making the Elks Crab Feed happen annually and for letting me leave the Crab Feed with bags of shells.

The stock I make from these shells is liquid gold as far as I'm concerned! NEWSFLASH: Debbie's cds are online. If you'd like to hear them, go click here and go to her Bandcamp page.

Going the Distance and Ninety Miles Out feature songs Debbie wrote. If you have children in your life, Come and Go With Me is Debbie's album of songs for children, all traditional folk songs. Earlier this year, I uploaded Debbie's cds and got started creating a bandcamp.

com site for her, but I reached a point where I needed Debbie's input to finish it up. The project has been on hold for a while, but today Debbie and I buckled down and finished it! Debbie's two original cds and her cd of traditional folk music for children are all available for limited free listening and for purchase.

If you'd like to visit Debbie's site, just click here. I'm feeling pretty frisky about the Sube. Today, the guys over at Silver Valley Tires put the snow tires on it.

If you don't remember the late s controversy over the cancer drug Laetrile, you can listen to the 4th episode of the podcast series, One Year: and hear the story. The episode focuses on Chad Green, known back then as Laetrile Boy and his parents' legal struggles to treat his leukemia as they saw fit and not have him treated with chemotherapy.

If you listen to this episode, you'll immediately see the through line connecting the Greens' story to current controversies rising out today's arguments about making one's own decision about masks and vaccines during the Covid pandemic. The episode confirmed for me that history doesn't so much repeat itself as it's a way of seeing continuity.

If you'd like to listen to this episode, you can! Just click here. Carrie Parks, as one of the organizers of this past summer's 50th class reunion for the classes of and , has materials and records of how she and Mary Chase and Linda Lavigne went about putting on that weekend party.

Stu arranged for her and Diane Trecker to go over that stuff at Kingston's Hilltop Inn and Stu, Ed, and I joined them for lunch. While Carrie and Diane talked business, Ed, Stu, and I yakked about stuff and I enjoyed my deluxe burger with fries and some cold Budweiser beer.

After a bit, we were all talking together and had the pleasure of a fun lunch as well as a productive one. I was interested this afternoon in watching Tennessee play Texas Tech, in part because Texas Tech and Gonzaga play on December 18th and in part because Texas Tech has had complete turnover in their program: a bunch of new players and a new head coach.

I was also interested in seeing Kennedy Chandler, a prize recruit for Tennessee play. This game was the type that always confuses me. Texas Tech plays a disruptive, aggressive defense. Did Tennessee shoot so poorly because of Tech's defense?

Were the Volunteers discombobulated? And why did Texas Tech also shoot so poorly? It was as if poor shooting were contagious.

Watching these two teams shoot clangers, bricks, and air balls was painful, almost unbearable. Then, to top it off, this nearly unwatchable game went into overtime and Texas Tech prevailed, I saw flashes of Kennedy Chandler's talent, but mostly Texas Tech kept him quiet.

I wondered, throughout the game, how Gonzaga will respond to Texas Tech's relentless defense and if the Zags do a better job of scoring against it than Tennessee did.

They will almost have to. The second game matched Villanova and Syracuse, two teams who had a long rivalry when they were both members of the Big East conference. The two teams hadn't played each other for seven years and it was high time they resumed their old grudge match.

I wondered, as Villanova's shooters were cold in the first half, how much their futility had to do with Syracuse's matchup zone defense and how much had to do with Villanova just being off. Syracuse was off, too, especially Buddy Boheim, but his brother, Jimmy, wasn't off at all and had a solid game.

In the second half, Villanova not only moved and shot the ball better, they fiercely rebounded missed shots on both ends of the floor, denying Syracuse second or third shots after a miss and getting a ton of second and third shots themselves on their end.

In the end, the rebounding made a huge difference, as did Villanova's improved shooting and the Wildcats defeated Syracuse, I know that television and newspaper story lines often revolve around freshman talent in college basketball, around what newcomers are going to excel.

I often enjoy these energetic freshmen, but I enjoy watching players who are seniors, players I've watched develop over the years, players who have matured into their roles and have an aura of calm in tight games and big moments.

Villanova and Syracuse both have several seniors on their rosters and some well-seasoned juniors. Tonight I enjoyed watching veterans Collin Gillespie, Jermaine Samuels, and Justin Moore settle down, make big plays on both ends of the floor, and provide the steadying influence of their maturity.

Likewise, I enjoyed watching Syracuse upperclassmen the Boeheim brothers and Joe Girard, even though Buddy Boeheim had an off game. I don't begrudge talented youngsters leaving their college teams after a year or two and becoming professionals.

I do, however, enjoy it a lot when players like Gillespie and Samuels, the Boeheim brothers, and, a couple of years ago, Payton Pritchard at Oregon play out the entirety of their eligibility and we get to seem them play some of their best basketball as seasoned, tested, and mature players.

Snow arrived today. I am lousy at measuring snowfall by sight, but I think we got a few inches -- enough to shovel. I'm a frequent shoveler. Being an old man with an iffy back, it's best for me to shovel small amounts frequently rather than let wait for a break in the snowfall and shovel once or twice.

I think I shoveled three times today but who's counting? The best part of it, even beyond keeping the sidewalks clear, was the exercise. Debbie was out for coffee and ran an errand or two this morning. I finished shoveling for the first time and returned to the slate.

com podcast, One Year: I loved going back to the wild baseball season of the Chicago White Sox and remembering being home in Kellogg on occasion and watching that team on cable television. To everyone's surprise, The South Chicago Hitmen, as they came to be called, powered their way into first place in their division late in the summer with exciting come from behind wins and unexpected power at the plate from such players as Chet Lemon, Richie Zisk, Oscar Gamble, and Eric Soderholm.

Even though they won 90 games, they faded late in the season and finished in third place. The podcast episode focused on a first. In , the White Sox hired Mary Shane as one of their announcers.

She worked the microphone sometimes as a play by play announcer and other times as a color analyst. She didn't work every game of the season, but she was the first woman ever to be hired as a legitimate announcer for a major league team. She faced many difficulties and obstacles.

The podcast explores them. It also explores Mary Shane's life after the White Sox let her go and tells a story that is at once inspiring and very sad. I won't give away details in case you decide to take a listen. Debbie prepared chicken enchiladas and Spanish rice for family dinner tonight and Carol brought a tasty corn salad and Molly made guacamole to go with the corn chips Paul provided.

Christy brought two bottles of white wine, one of them a delicious favorite of hers that she purchased on her getaway to Walla Walla. I mixed margaritas to start and hot buttered rums as an after dinner drink.

We hadn't all been together for at least a couple of weeks and we settled into an evening of stories, catching up, and some raucous laughter. Some of it was raunchy, having to do with a certain trivia category at Radio Brewing Wednesday night -- "Is it a cocktail or a sex position? Well, we did learn that a golden shower is a cocktail -- I'll say that much.

I subscribe to the Criterion Channel and among the many collections of movies available right now is a group of true crime films. A few days ago, I watched trailers on IMDb of three of these moves: The Valachi Papers , The Honeymoon Killers , and 10 Rillington Place.

The last two, in particular, struck me as really disturbing. They were made around , a time in movie making in the USA that intrigues me. The Motion Pictu re Production Code policing movies' content was no longer in place. Certain movie makers, liberated from this code, explored formerly banned content -- the spoken language in movies became more raw, the visual language less restricted, and many movies in the s set out not to entertain audiences but to confront darker, less comforting elements of human life.

Independent film makers emerged, making movies on low budgets without studio support or restrictions and many of these movies were daring and disturbing.

The Honeymoon Killers is such a movie. The movie is a study of deceit, depravity, loneliness, sociopathy, desperation, greed, jealousy, and cruelty. Shirley Stoler brilliantly plays the role of Martha Beck, a lonely, desperate, authoritarian, deeply insecure, nurse.

The con man Raymond Fernandez, a narcissistic manipulator, two bit hustler, and low life "lady's man" is played perfectly by Tony Lo Bianco. I admired much about the art of this movie's production. I rarely watch horror movies.

It was unlike me to watch this one. But knowing it was not shot in color, knowing when it was made, and being curious about its cinematic qualities as an independent movie, I watched it.

The movie's immediacy, its raw depravity, its colorless and often claustrophobic atmosphere made it difficult to endure. I doubt, though, that I will ever forget Shirley Stoler's chilling portrayal of the bitter, miserable, at times, pathetic, and deluded Martha Beck nor will I soon forget Tony Lo Bianco's portrayal of the unctuous, smooth talking flim flam man, Raymond Fernandez.

I needed to listen to some comforting music after watching this movie. Debbie told me that Bill Staines had passed away today and I played a video of him singing "Roseville Fair". I then turned to Guy Clark and "Dublin Blues". Debbie requested Chris Smither's performing "Happier Blue".

I ended this mini concert with JJ Cale performing "Magnolia" and "Call Me the Breeze". It felt good to have the disturbing images and scenes from The Honeymoon Killers replaced in my mind with these superb songs.

I've had some discomfort return to my left foot. I've been resting it, but decided today to take a ten minute or so walk and see how it held up.

It did fine and I'm thinking that more daily short walks is a good idea. I'll continue to test my foot's tolerance of walking and, I hope, regain some of the wind I've lost by not walking much at all for a while. Alabama defeated the Zags today, I love watching Gonzaga play strong, challenging teams, whether the Zags win or lose.

Today the sharp shooting, aggressive, athletic Crimson Tide were the superior team -- they shot better, defended better, got to rebounds and loose balls better, and played through some difficult stretches better.

This evening's tilt and ESPN's coverage of it magnified for me how I watch college basketball and what I care about and don't care about. For starters, I don't care about present college day players' standing in mock NBA drafts nor do I care about how pundits think they will perform at "the next level".

With to go in the first half of the Zag-Crimson Tide game, ESPN brought NBA draft expert, Mike Schmitz, onto the broadcast during a break in the action as the referees huddled to sort out whether Chet Holmgren had committed a flagrant foul.

I don't doubt Mike Schmitz's expertise, but as the referees arrived at their decision, and play resumed, Schmitz and ESPN analyst Sean Farnham continued their discussion of different players' "stock" in the NBA draft which is over six months away and, to me, their discussion not only dragged the game's coverage to the level of a flat tire, it distracted from what mattered most, the game at hand.

As Schmitz and Farnham talked and talked and talked about Chet Holmgren and JD Davison and the draft, even as the game resumed, longtime basketball writer Dana O'Neil tweeted, "Oh joy.

After the break ESPN is going to not talk about the great college game going on and instead blather about draft stock. I'll break the news: both [Holmgren and Davison] are really good and will be drafted high. Now let's actually enjoy the game for the game.

I thought the same thing. I thought it the other night when a buddy and I were talking uptown about the Zags and he steered the conversation toward whether Holmgren would succeed at the next level.

I'll be interested in Holmgren playing in the NBA when he gets there. I'm unable and uninterested in speculating about it now -- or listening to such speculation on the broadcast. As I watched the Zags and Alabama, I did all I could to forget the two teams' rankings in the polls.

I tried to imagine a broadcast that never mentioned the polls, that just focused on what was happening on the court without regard for whether Gonzaga was ranked too high or Alabama too low. I tried to imagine watching this game without storylines, without emphasis on Gonzaga's rise to prominence over the last several years, without emphasis on Alabama as an up and coming program.

So I blocked out as much of that noise as I could and enjoyed watching Alabama's aggression, their fearless outside shooting, their tenacity to win battles for rebounds and loose balls. I enjoyed Gonzaga's second half comeback, even though it fell short, and enjoyed how Alabama didn't surrender their lead but absorbed Gonzaga's second half push back and asserted their superiority.

In short, what I enjoy in watching college basketball is teams playing each other, not imagining in my head what would happen if they played. When it comes to games, I love the one I'm with. I don't love trying to figure out the outcome of a game that isn't happening right now or trying to determine whether one team is better than another by any measure other than playing each other on the court.

I'll just add that once conference play begins, I love standings, especially in February and March because one's standing in a conference is based on real games between teams, not on the votes a team garners in a poll.

I enjoyed and would have liked to have seen even more action from the Bulls' playoff series with the Pacers and the Jazz. I enjoyed those potential usurpers of the Bulls' reign, and recalled, again, that it always came down to the fact that neither team had a player who could dictate a game's outcome like Michael Jordan.

These last two episodes included a most emotional and riveting several minutes. They occurred when the makers of this series interviewed Steve Kerr about his father, Malcolm Kerr, the president of American University in Beirut, who was assassinated in Beirut in Kerr didn't mention it, but I immediately flashed back to when Kerr played at Arizona and when, before a game against Arizona State, a small knot of ASU students chanted, "PLO.

PLO" and "Your father's history" and "Why don't you join the Marines and go back to Beirut? It was the epitome of repugnant fan behavior. In the documentary, Kerr told the story of his father, his academic commitment to studying the Middle East and his commitment to fostering a better understanding of that region.

Kerr moved me with his dignity and his emotional honesty as he recalled losing his father to political violence. Michael Jordan's father was also murdered, in Kerr revealed that he and Jordan never talked about losing their dads. He remarked it was just too raw of a subject.

Earlier in the day, I baked granola. I kept it simple: oatmeal, melted butter, cinnamon, allspice, vanilla, and maple syrup. We can add fresh fruit, nuts, dried fruits of other ingredients to it in the bowl. The granola turned out really good. It's not nearly as sweet as what we buy in the store and I boosted the amount of cinnamon I put in it, satisfying my enjoyment of all things cinnamon-y!

Friday, December 31, Three Beautiful Things Afternoon with Copper and Luna, Relaxing Indoors, Skyline Chili Dinner OMG! If you look at a Skyline Chili menu, you'll that there are three ways to have this dish: A 3-Way: spaghetti, chili sauce, cheese A 4-Way: spaghetti, chili sauce, beans OR onions, cheese A 5-Way: spaghetti, chili sauce, beans AND onions, cheese Meagan warmed up the Skyline Chili sauce with a can of kidney beans in the sauce.

I splashed Frank's on my bowl and added oyster crackers. Oh My God! Poured Like an Anode by raymond pert at AM No comments:. Bill Woolum awakens each morning with visions of silver linings dancing in his head -- in triplicate. Since November , the retired college instructor has found "Three Beautiful Things" daily to spotlight his blog, kellogg bloggin' kelloggbloggin.

Gonzaga basketball. Episcopal worship experiences. Joys of teaching. Living back East. Moving back to Kellogg. In , he glimpsed a "grave beauty" in the death of his beloved mother, as grievous as it was. The "Three Beautiful Things" feature has become "a very good habit," Bill tells Huckleberries.

Bill blogs under the pseudonym Raymond Pert, in honor of his father. Raymond "Pert" Woolum toiled for three decades in Bunker Hill's zinc plant, retiring in when the company shut.

His mother, Mary, was an elementary school teacher who helped launch the Talented and Gifted program for Kellogg School District. His mother's failing helped reunite Bill with his two sisters in Kellogg.

After teaching a Lane Community College in Eugene, Ore. suburb, Bill spent stretches of time visiting his ailing mother. Bill and Debbie now live in the family home, purchased in Sister Christy resides next door. Carol is five minutes away. Their weekly family dinners provide regular fodder for kellogg bloggin'.

The daily blogging doubles as a journal, especially as Bill ages and has "more and more days and years to lose track of. Two years before he started Kellogg Bloggin', Bill was diagnosed with chronic kidney disease.

In he was placed on a transplant list. Two years ago, his kidney doctor was surprised that he wasn't receiving dialysis. Or hasn't received a transplant. Bill believes his search for the positive in mundane things has improved his mental health and stabilized his kidneys.

And who's to say differently? Wednesday, December 29, Three Beautiful Things Thank You for the Birthday Greetings! Tuesday, December 28, Three Beautiful Things A Purposeful Do Nothing Birthday, Acrostic Puzzles, Deborah's Email Made Me Very Happy. And, that's what I did. I conversed some with Debbie.

It was a perfectly envisioned and carried out birthday. I thought this afternoon that I might work some acrostic puzzles. That's what I did and I completed four of them. It turns out they had both been students of mine at LCC over twenty years ago.

Monday, December 27, Three Beautiful Things Picture of Toasting Everett, ZOOMing About Young People, Food from India at the Roberts' House. You'll find the picture at the bottom of this post. Here's our Jolly Juice picture. Back row, left to right, Bill, Debbie, Carol, Paul.

Front row, left to right: Molly, Christy, Zoe. Sunday, December 26, Three Beautiful Things Family Gift Exchange, Coma Sleep with Copper and Luna, Jolly Juice and Dinner at Christy's.

Saturday, December 25, Three Beautiful Things 3BTs in the CdA Press Copied and Pasted Here , Happy Anniversary, An Evening Party. December 24, It's also therapeutic. Poured Like an Anode by raymond pert at PM No comments:. Friday, December 24, Three Beautiful Things Farewell Billy Mac's, Snow Dog Christmas Party, Prepping the Camry for Winter.

I frequented five of them when I lived in Eugene, OR: 1. Mary's Episcopal Church. Well, tonight, on December 23, , Billy Mac's, one of my spiritual centers, closed. Eugene Weekly featured the closing in a story, here.

On the northwest corner of Jefferson and 19th, in a predominantly residential neighborhood, sat a one story building divided into two businesses. From the street, especially as you traveled on Jefferson, you'd see the sign for the Little "Y" Market, a convenience store with a pretty good inventory of wine and beer.

It was, to me, the ideal neighborhood bar and grill, the best I've experienced. Back in the early summer of , on one of our Saturday photowalks, Russell invited me to join him and other LCC instructors and friends of theirs at Billy Mac's for their weekly Thursday night dinner.

So my discovery of Billy Mac's and having it become a spiritual center began about eleven and a half years ago.

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Though Lefty was bitten by a werewolf and survived, so who knows what the next full moon holds for him Post a Comment. Friday, April 29, Tales of Horror: An American Werewolf in Drumheller.

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